
Showing posts from 2008

Two Funerals in a Day

I received SMS from my boss/partner and Ayoh Keng almost the same time immediately after I came back from my Friday prayer. We lost another common friend due to cancer at about 12.35 in the afternoon today. Allahu Marghfirlahu Warhamhu Wa 'afiihi Wa'afu 'anhu. Semoga Allah mencucuri Rahmat dan Mengampunkan segala dosa arwah. Arwah seorang yang ku kenal kerana selalu bertemu semasa menghadiri mesyuarat atau seminar dan konferens yang melibatkan perbankan Islam dan insrumen sekuriti Islam. Kadang2 kami berkongsi pentas sebagai penceramah jemputan dalam sesuatu seminar. Kami berkongsi bahasa ibunda kerana sama-sama berasal dari negeri jajahan takluk Darul Naim. AlhamdulilLah, ramai kawan-kawan penggiat dan pendokong perbankan dan sekuriti Islam hadir memberi penghormatan terakhir semasa jenazah disembahyangkan di surau Seksyen 13 Shah Alam selepas solat 'Asar sebentar tadi. Arwah adalah rakan se-jabatan dengan Ayoh Keng . *********** I am supposed to attend an alumni dinne...

Tazkirah Jumaat

Maksiat halang tekun beribadat Oleh Hashim bin Ahmad APAKAH kita pernah mengalami perasaan malas beribadah? Terasa berat untuk tilawah atau ada kenikmatan ketika membaca al-Quran atau solat? Atau mungkin berasa susah bangun malam untuk qiyamulail, padahal jam dikunci untuk mengejutkan kita atau telefon bimbit sudah dipasang tetapi ketika berdering, tetap terlelap dalam tidur. Apa yang kedengaran hanya seperti dalam mimpi dan akhirnya jam dan telefon bimbit mati sendiri atau bangun dengan setengah sedar. Selepas itu, tarik selimut dan tidur lagi. Padahal, biasanya dengan mudah boleh bangun. Jadi, apa yang sudah terjadi dengan diri kita? Atau mungkin kita pernah merasakan mulut ini terasa berat ketika melantunkan ayat-ayat al-Quran atau mengucapkan salam kepada saudara kita. Atau mungkin kita secara sengaja memlambatkan waktu menunaikan solat? Terkadang hati rasa meluat dengan rakan di pejabat kerana hal yang kecil atau prasangka buruk. Terkadang kita melalui h...

Tanah Runtuh @ Bkt Antarabangsa

I have been receiving lots of calls and smses from families and concerned friends. AlhamdulilLah, my family and I are safe. Our house is not affected. Still quite far from the site where the landslide took place. I came to know about the landslide from a neighbour after subuh prayer. We didn't know the extent of the damage because its still dark. Only after the news started to come out in the tv then we knew it was quite serious. I am now following the news from my in laws house in Melaka. We reached Melaka at about 11.00 am just now. Even my friend who is currently working in Mumbai sent sms after learning about the incident from the internet.

Salam Eid ul Adha

Salam Eid ul Adha kepada semua rakan penjengok blog ni. Semoga sentiasa di bawah kerahmatanNya. Tuan punya blog sekeluarga akan pulang berhari raya haji di Ayer Keroh tahun ni. Ibadat korban telah pun diwakilkan kepada abang di Kelantan sepertu kebiasaannya. Kepada yang akan bemusafir balik kampung, semoga selamat tiba ke destinasi dan selamat pulang ke KL semula. *images taken from here .


Yes, this is a long overdue update. In fact I didn't plan to put up any new entry until Hari Raya Haji. I did have that plan. Malas, penat dan berbagai lagi alasan. My mind is to bogged down and occupied with works that I didn't even want to try to string a sentence. So I planned that I will wish you all selamat hari raya haji before the weekend comes. My life has turned upside down with works and crazy deadlines. Nothing new. There are few big important assignments that I am currently working on concurrently. Talking about prioritising my works, I even now have new categories for deadlines; tight deadline, crazy deadline and DROP DEAD deadline. I didn't have the time to reply to the special request from Ayoh Keng on his entry on Riba . Heh he heh....Ayoh Keng even called to remind me to reply to his entry and to update my blog. The truth is.....and you have heard this before, I am too busy with my works. It's a good thing that when other people are complaining about s...

Salam Aidilfitri

Salam Aidilfitri kepada semua kawan-kawan penjenguk blog ni. Tuan punya blog sudah pun habis cuti hari raya sejak hari Selasa yang lepas lagi; tetapi belum berkesempatan untuk mengemaskini blog kerana teramat lah sibuk dengan tugas-tugas hakiki di pejabat. AlhamdulilLah, semuanya berjalan lancar sepanjang cuti hari raya yang lepas. Tuan punya blog masih lagi 'berhari raya' dan belum pun mula 'posa nam'. *image taken from HarakahDaily.

Ramadhan 2008 - Day 26

Dearest Friends and Fellow Bloggers, Salam Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin. Ramai yang mungkin akan mula bercuti hari ni. Moga-moga semua yang dirancang akan dicapai. Moga dijauhkan dari aral dan mala petaka dalm perjalan pulang ke kampung. Kalau mengikut perancangan, kami sekeluarga akan pulang ke Ayer Keroh Melaka pagi esok selepas bersahur dan solat subuh. (Malam ni yang empunya diri masih nak main Futsal - last kopek punya!). Kami akan menghabiskan Ramadhan dan menyambut Hari Raya pertama di Ayer Keroh, Bukit Baru, Masjid Tanah dan kawasan sekitarnya. Pagi Hari Raya kedua, kami akan mengambil flight balik ke Kelantan dan akan bercuti di Kelantan sehingga Isnin. Anak2 ponteng lah sekolah sehari. Sebenarnya, sejak terlibat dalam accident pada Hari Raya kedua pada tahun 2005 , kami mengambil keputusan untuk pulang berhari raya dengan menaiki kapal terbang sahaja. Memang agak membebankan poket sebab terpaksa beli tiket untuk 2 dewasa dan 5 orang kanak-kanak. Akid pun dah se...

Ramadhan 2008 - Day 23

Dalam tazkirah malam tadi, penceramah jemputan ada bertanya, sepanjang Ramadhan ini, mampukah kita menghentikan maksiat? Maksiat tangan kita Maksiat mulut kita Maksiat mata kita Maksiat kaki kita Maksiat hati kita Kita berpuasa, bertadarus, kita bertahajjud, kita bertasbih dan sebagainya tapi kita belum tentu mampu menghalang diri kita dari terjebak dengan maksiat sepanjang Ramadhan ini. Kata penceramah lagi, mungkin ini lah sebabnya kita gagal bertemu Layla ?

Ramadhan 2008 - Day 19

Penceramah jemputan dalam tazkirah malam tadi membacakan hadis yang menyuruh kita membaca Al-Quran sampai kita menangis, dan kalau tak menangis; paksa diri kita menangis. Baca lah Quran sehingga mengesankan jiwa kita dan menyentuh lubuk jiwa - baru lah ia boleh membuatkan kita menangis. Juga dibacakan hadis yang menyatakan bahawa Al-Quran akan menjadi penyelamat kita disaat-saat tidak ada orang lain boleh menolong kita. Kita disaran menjadikan hidup/diri kita mengikut resmi Al-Quran. Semasa masih baru disayangi, lagi lama lagi dihargai. Hatta kalau dijumpai sehelai yang terkoyak pun orang akan simpan dan dimuliakan. Satu lagi yang menarik untuk dikongsi ialah penceramah membacakan hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Saidatina 'Aishah yang menyatakan Nabi melarang kita dari tidur dalam keadaan berjunub dan tidak berwudhuk. Hadis menyatakan bahawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. akan membersihkan kemaluannya selepas bersama dengan isterinya dan baginda berwudhuk lebih dahulu sebelum tidur. Nabi juga m...

Ramadhan 2008 - Day 14

"Sesungguhnya neraka itu dipagari dengan perkara-perkara yang disukai hawa nafsu; manakala syurga itu dipagari dengan perkara-perkara yang tidak disukai oleh nafsu" Hadis sahih riwayat Muslim seperti yang disampaikan oleh penceramah dlm tazkirah selepas solat tarawih sebentar tadi. Renung-renungkan..........

Ramadhan 2008 - Day 13

Berbuka puasa dengan anak-anak Chow Kit. Sabtu lepas (6 September) aku sempat berbuka puasa dengan anak-anak Chow Kit di Pusat Penjagaan Anak-Anak Nur Salam - juga dikenali sebagai pusat aktiviti anak-anak Chow Kit. Terdahulu, ofis aku menerima panggilan dari pengasas pusat tersebut mengatakan beliau memerlukan sedikit sumbangan berbuka puasa untuk anak-anak chow kit di bawah jagaannya. Katanya dia memerlukan sumbangan wang tunai untuk membeli nasi bungkus untuk hari Sabtu tu. Hari-hari yang lain dah ada sponsor. So my office decided to sponsor the Iftar. Sebenarnya kelam-kabut jugaklah staffs kat ofis nak menguruskan cari catering, logistik dan lain-lain. Tapi semua tu rasa berbaloi bila melihat semua makanan yang dibawa habis dimakan dan bila melihat wajah-wajah ceria budak2 kat situ. Bayangkan, sampai tak cukup sambal belacan yang disediakan. Tak padan dengan kecik. Terpaksa lah kami pergi beli sambal belacan kat gerai makan kat bawah. Bayangkan juga macam mana gamatnya mengendalika...

Ramadhan 2008 - Day 12

Hari ni masa sahur, Abang Akmal ingatkan semua orang yang hari ni ialah hari jadinya yang ke 7. Semua orang kat meja makan tu, dengan muka separa mengantuk, ucapkan selamat hari jadi kat dia. Tak de nak nyanyi pun. Kesian, birthday jatuh bulan puasa. Tak boleh nak bawak birthday packs kongsi dengan kawan2 kat sekolah. Sebenarnya minggu sebelum puasa lagi dia ada tanya, boleh tak dia nak ajak kawan2 datang rumah sambut hari jadi dia. Bila diberitahu birthday dia jatuh hari berpuasa, dia buat muka sedih aje. Kalau tak puasa pun belum tentu aku benarkan. Aku bukannya suka sangat anak2 memperbesarkan sambutan harijadi ni. Selalunya, paling banyakkan pun beli kek kecik dan biar anak tiup lilin dengan adik-beradik dia aje. Kalau ada cousins diorang datang, gamat sikit lah kat rumah. [Psst...sambutan birthday kawan2 anak aku kat my neighbourhood ni memang dahsyat - tak de lah aku nak berlawan2 dengan diorang. Paling koman buat kat McD utk 30 orang kanak2. Anak2 aku ada jugak yang dijemput att...

Ramadhan 2008 - Day 5

Today is......... Today is the 5th day of Ramadhan (tak lama lagi nak raya?) Today is Friday (means longer lunch/prayer break) Today is also SOGO card members' sale! It's a bad bad combinations. It's combination of traffic chaos!. From 15th floor of my office building I could hear horns blaring non stop from cars/buses stuck in the traffic jam since the morning. This is Crazy. I think I wanna leave office early today. ******************* Have received your Hari Raya Greeting Card yet? I got mine on the 3rd day of Ramadhan. It was from someone who was one of the founding partners of my firm who, more than thirty years ago, established this law firm that I am currently with. He was once a cabinet minister of the previous administration and now busy with his property development business. I have to start looking at the lists of names of my muslim clients and friends.

Ramadhan 2008 - Day 1

So how was your first day of Ramadhan? AlhamdulilLah, the kids went through it quite well. Just one or two ‘near misses’ – which was expected since yesterday was the first day of fasting. Abang Akmal melepet towards the end of the day. Dia tertidur kepenatan bila dah masuk jam 5 lebih. Kejut untuk mandi jam 6.45 petang pun masih tak larat nak bangun. Sapa suruh main basikal tengahari semalam?. Kesian sungguh. Masa berbuka suruh dia makan kurma pelan-pelan pun dia tak nak. Pujuk berbuka makan kismis dulu dan minum air suam. Lepas tu makan tauhu. Takut angin dan termuntah kalau makan cepat sangat. Lama lepas tu baru lah Akmal ada selera nak makan. Kak Long pulak tengah2 buat homework (dah boring agaknya), terus masuk dapur dan buka fridge, “Ibu, kat mana coklat yang hari tu?” “Eh, nak buat apa dengan coklat? Hari ni kan Kak Long puasa?” “Oh lupa....” Kak Long tersengih malu. Nasib baik Ibu ada kat dapur, kalau tak....selamat (jalan) lah puasa Kak Long. ...

Ramadhan Mubarak

Salam Ramadhan to you kind visitors. May you have a blessed Ramadhan. Ayoh Keng left a comment in the previous entry that Beijing Olympics has ended but our Ramadhan-lympics just begun. Semoga kita semua berlumba-lumba mendapatkan barakah, rahmah dan keampunanNya di bulan yang mulia ini. InshaAllah.

Dialong Dengan Anak

Olympics dah habis. Nasib baik bola English Premier League dah start - sekurang2nya ada lah benda nak tengok kat TV hujung minggu. ************** Pagi ni masuk ofis lambat....dengan sengaja. Lagipun hari ni ada raptai perbarisan hari Kebangsaan. For the last two weeks, kerja memang stressful. Masuk ofis sebelum jam 8 pagi dan balik hampir tengah malam - almost every day. So pagi ni lepas hantar Kak Long dan Akmal ke sekolah, hantar Kak Chik pulak. Hari ni sekolah (tadika) dia ada buat field trip ke pusat membuat barang2 dari tanah liat. Sebelum jam 8 pagi dah nak kena hantar ke sekolah. Lepas tu hantar anak dara no. 2 ke sekolah agama. Lepas tu baru lah sempat pergi breakfast dengan beloved mem dan Akid. Akid share makan tosai dengan Ibu. Akid: Baba....banyak bendera (sambil menunjukkan bendera kecil Malaysia yang digantung di dalam kedai). Baba: Aaa..'ah, bendera Malaysia. Akid: Yang tu...yang warna hitam putih tu...? Baba: Tu bendera negeri Pahang.. Akid: Yang merah

Super Dan

It's all over in 39 minutes. I hoped it could have been better and more equally matched. But what do you expect when Lin Dan played a near perfect game. I think Chong Wei's face looked pale and lost. He has no answer to Lin Dan's pinpoint cross court smashes and quick kills. I think Chong Wei is too kind-faced. We need to have someone with fearless face. Someone like Markus Kido of the Indonesian's double player. I was very frustrated with the results.

All the Wei

Yes! All the way to the final. Lee Chong Wei just won his semi final badminton match against Lee Hyun-il of Korea in rubber games a moment ago. He will face the winner of super Lin Dan and Chen Jin in another semi final match. Chong Wei is our best bet for our very first Olympic gold medal.

Bestnya Kalau Tak Payah Kerja Hari Ni

How's that for the title of today's entry? I wish I could just sit at any cafe with free WIFI and blogging away the whole day. The Dome at KLCC would be the best place. Good place, good view and ehem..... lots of beautiful chicks. Kah kah kahh.....wishful thinking. Quick replies to some of the comments in the earlier entries. Why 08080808 (4x 08?) Wan asked why I wrote four times of '08' instead of three. It's simply because there were eight of us altogether. Four male and four female riders/cyclists. Did we cycle back to KL? How did we get back to KL? CikRampai and AHNI asked this question. NO. We didn't cycle back. The target was to cycle to Kota Bharu. We were ecstatic to reach destination. The journey back may not be as fun anymore!. We took a flight back to KL via Airasia. Tickets were booked months ahead. The bikes (all 8 of them) were dismantled and packed into our support van and the van left for KL on the same evening we reached Kota Bharu. Seronok t...

I'm Back

I'm back, alive and in one piece! Thanks to fellow bloggers for your kind prayers and encouragements. Apologies I could NOT reply to the comments as yet. Of course I have many many more entries on the amazing ride that are lingering in my head but at the moment, I need to catch up with the works that I left at the office. So thank you again guys (I mean those five or six of you).

08080808 The Amazing Ride The Final Leg

We safely arrived at pengkalan chepa at noontime yesterday. The ride from Tanah Merah to pengkalan chepa was more relaxed and fun. May be because everybody knew that we only have to cover about 50 odd kilometers. Yes, after having been cycling for more than one hundred kilometers every day for the last three days, to cover for 50km was a big relieve. We all had roti canai for breakfast before we pushed off to Pasir Mas. It's a flat route with sufficient road shoulder all the way to Pasir Mas. I was given the honour to lead since we were entering my hometown. Stopped at a coffee shop owned by Nasir's cousin not far from the roundabout to the lemal bridge to Kota Bharu. Crossed the bridge and took the old salor road instead of the highway. By then the sun was on top of our heads and most of us were dehydrated and had to top up our water bottles. You would be surprised to see how most of us could gulp the whole 600ml drink in one go.

08080808 The Amazing Ride The Final Leg

We have made it. We have made it. AlhamdulilLah. Total distance covered was 346.89km. Will update more later.

08080808 The Amazing Ride The Final Leg

Today is the final leg of our amazing ride. Some of us have been talking that we were already so lucky to have made it here so far. Good happy news today someone in our team celebrated his 58th birthday! Abang kamat is the oldest of the group. We are heading to Pasir Mas and will 'geretok lemal' en route to Kota Bharu and to Pengkalan Chepa.

08080808 The Amazing Ride Day Three

The ride from Dabong to Jeli was a bit tough going over nine hills eventhough the hills were not that steep compared the hills that we had to 'climb' from bentong to raub. The ride was difficult because of narrow roads without road shoulder. Because of deserted roads, the cars and lorries were speeding like nobody's business. The route from jeli to tanah merah was much better because of it has proper road shoulder. Enroute to tanah merah we stopped for 'sup belut'. Fuuh, the soup was superb! It's hot and spicy and tasted like sup torpedo!. And I had a flat tyre again for the second time of the day. It was less than 30km from Tanah Merah. It's about 7.10pm when safely we reached Seri Chalet in Tanah Merah. AlhamdulilLah. My speedometer showed that I have covered 285.18km in 3 days. Tomorrow will be the last leg!

08080808 The Amazing Ride Day Three

We are taking a break at the new bandar jeli mosque. There is no way for us to cycle under the hot blazing sun. It's really really hot now. Hopefully it will not rain in the late afternoon. This morning alone we have had 3 punture cases. Kamat's got flat tyre even before we started this morning. Then Nasir's bike (Alia's bike actually) also got flat tyre somewhere after lubok bungor. We stopped to patch the tyre at a small kedai kopi there. Tak de chance nak makan cendol kat situ sebab 'air batu' belum sampai lagi masa tu. When I realised that my front tyre's air pressure was depleting, I stopped to inspect. Took out the tube but couldn't find the holes. My be the valve was not properly fixed. The lunch of nasi kukus and air nyior was excellent. Surprisingly we met again with the guy we had a drink with earlier in the morning when we took a break at kampung tunku abdul rahman putra sg balah. When we had our drink there, were told that that village wa of...

08080808 The Amazing Ride Day Three

173.09km that's what we done so far for two days. We will be heading to Jeli abt 50km and then to Tanah Merah where we gonna stay for a nite. We could only catch a glimpse of the famous gunung stong waterfall because of heavy mist. That's the highest waterfall in south east asia if you do not know yet.

08080808 The Amazing Ride - Day Two

Except for the near miss at kuala lipis station, everything went out as planned. It took us almost four hours of train ride from kuala lipis to to dabong. It was a single class (read third class) train. So there were many times that the train has to stop, wait and give way to the express trains from the other direction. But again we reminded ourselves that we were on vacation and should think of nothing but to have fun. Some of us spent mingling with makcik 'peraih' and the ladies selling food/snacks that walked up and down the coaches. It was not difficult to strike a conversation because we attracted curious looks from others. Definitely they know that we were from out of town. Most of them were surprised when were told that we were from kl and heading to Kota Bharu. One makcik told us that one minah saleh bought 'buah jering' and ate it there. Kah kah kah she must have thought that jering is a kind of chewable nuts or something. We spoke to the ticket inspector a...

08080808 The Amazing Ride - Day Two

We are still on the train. Expected to arrive at Dabong station at a quarter past three. We will be staying at a hostel overnight. Had maggi in the cup at the canteen. That's the only thing available for our lunch. Let me tell u, the maggi was delicous!. Hah hah ha..

08080808 The Amazing Ride - Day Two

In the nick of time. We almost missed the train!. We were supposed to cover about 50km from sungai pasu where we stayed last nite to the train station in kuala lipis. We stopped at Benta rest area for a drink after having stopped earlier at Dong for breakfast. My rear tyre punctured in kuala lipis town when we were already very close to the train station. By the time we reached the station, the train were about to leave! Apparently they hv re-scheduled the 3.00pm train to 11.30am. Luckily the station master was kind enough and asked the train to wait for us. Quickly loaded our bikes onto the train and thanked our lucky stars. Again we have to thank to the very kind ticket inspector. We thought we could pay for our ticket on the train but we were told we could no longer do that. Well who cld blame us for that. Wan sabri's last train ride was thirty years ago my very own experience was waayy back in 1982 when we were given warrant ticket to go back to our hometown during school break...

08080808 The Amazing Ride - Day 2

We had a good nite sleep last night. The dinner prepared by makcik Ribut was marvellous. The guys were even treated with durians. We have done 119.07km for the first day. We are ready to move now. Breakfast on the way abt 6 km from the homestay. We will head 2 kuala lipis.

08080808 The Amazing Ride

We are at r&r sri bilut less than 10km then another 12km to our target homestay. We will stay there tonight. Puan Hajah Ribut homestay here we come.

08080808 The Amazing Ride

Lunch break at kedai kopi Kow Po at Bentong. If u are from bentong then u will know that this is the place that serves the best ABC cendol in town. Many cyclists from KL would cycle from genting sempah down t bentong just to eat abc here and cycle back. We have done 70.12km. Ahh, to cycle?

08080808 The Amazing Ride

Going down hill after abt one hour break at R&R genting sempah was a bliss. We went downhill for most of the first 20km. My eyes just fixed to the road and just glide my way. Yes, glide that's the word. The best route so far! We are stopping at a small hot spring abt 15km to bentong. Distance covered so far is 52.42 km.

08080808 The Amazing Ride

I have blown my cover!! Go and buy the Star today. You will see the coverage on our Amazing Ride at the Metro Section

08080808 The Amazing Ride

We have safely conquered the much dreaded genting sempah route. I reached the viaduct before the r&r genting sempah at abt 10am. Then going downhill to genting sempah r&r. We have done 32.65km from Taman Melawati where we started.

08080808 The Amazing Ride

First pit stop - I mean pee stop at batu 12 gombak at about 9.45am. We have done about 14km in about 1 hr. We pushed off fr. Melawati at about 8.40am because the support van arrived a bit late. But that's ok for me because it gave enough time for my wife 2 bring my water bottle that I forgot to bring. !

08080808 - The Amazing Ride

What is significant about 080808? Beijing olympics or many decide to tie the knots with their love ones. But for me, today is the day. Today is the start of my very own Amazing Ride. Today, 8 of us will cycle from Taman Melawati all the way to Kota Bharu. Yes you read it right. All the way to Kota Bharu! The trip is going to take us 4 days from Taman Melawati to Bentong, Kuala Lipis, Dabong, Jeli, Tanah Merah, Pasir Mas and finally to Kota Bharu. I am looking forward to the challenges ahead. Please pray for my safe journey. I will try 2 update via email regularly. It's a journey of a lifetime for eight of not so young people on the eight of August of two zero zero eight.

Dialog Hari Ni

Sebenarnya dialog hari Sabtu, 2 Ogos. Kami sekeluarga tengah minum2 di Delifrance kat Ampang Point, bila sorang perempuan (india) lalu depan aku dan senyum kat aku. Aku rasa macam kenal, tapi tak berapa ingat kat mana aku jumpa awek ni. So, aku senyum dan angkat tangan to acknowledge her . Kak Ngah: Sapa tu Baba? Aku: mmmm...entah awek lama kot? Baba pun tak ingat... Budak-budak tiba2 excited, berebut2 nak bercakap... Kak Long, Kak Chik: Ibu, Baba ada awek, Baba ada awek.. Ibu: Baba tu memang.....ramai sangat awek sampai tak ingat Aku: Aaaa....sapa awek tu? Macam familiar aje.... Ibu: Itu pun lupa ke? Tu kan owner kedai (groceries) kat Ampang Putri Kak Ngah: Apa la Baba...pelupa Aku: Ya la ramai sangat.... (saja melayan budak) Abang Akmal: Ha! Baba ada awek, nanti macam Atuk; Ada nenek dengan nenek mama! Aku tergelak besar...tak sangka pulak budak2 ni dah faham yang Atuk dia ada dua rumah. **Owner groceries shop kat Ampang Putri tu memang dah cam muka aku. Maklum lah semua anak2 aku tu...

Dialog Hari Ini

Ibu : Siapa buang stokin sekolah Abang ni dalam tong sampah ni ? Merata Ibu cari semalam .... Kak Chik : Adik yang buang ... Ibu : Kenapa adik buang ? Adik tak kawan ngan Abang ke ? Akid : Tak .... Ibu : Habis tu ? Akid : Stokin Abang busyuuk ...

DNA For Dungus

Copied in toto from here . The Malaysian DNA Conundram Virtually the whole of Malaysia is now talking about DNA. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) has become a buzz word, featuring in conversations at coffee shops; offices and even our august parliament. We must thank Crick and Watson who discovered the double stranded helical structure of the DNA molecule in 1954 which has since unleashed a plethora of advances in biotechnology. Forensic DNA is one of the many breakthroughs in this research in an impassioned endeavor towards advancing justice through DNA technology. Justice and fairness should instead be the buzz word of the rakyat, the parliament , political leadership and the impartial media. This unfortunately is a far cry considering the various statements issued and the nuances of the mainstream media. Overnight, a handful of parliamentarians have turned pseudo-geneticists, shouting for surrender of DNA material ! Some have even sentenced the alleged assailant an uneq...

The Debate

So did you watch the debate last night? "Basically Anwar is saying that if we don’t have enough cloth to make a shirt, we can cut some from the curtain, some from the bed sheet, etc, and we can get a shirt. That’s fighting spirit. Shabery is just throwing his hands up and saying there is nothing we can do, everyone is facing the same problem, talking is easy, blah, blah, blah! If Malaysia is to survive in this competitive global environment we need fighters like Anwar!" The above excerpt was one of the comments posted in Anil Netto's live commentary on the debate. I totally agreed with the comment. I was still in the office when a friend of mine reminded me of the live telecast. I rushed back as fast as I could as I didn't want to miss the much anticipated debate. Someone was willing to risk his ministerial post for the debate. My verdict? Mengecewakan . Personally, I think Anwar was not at his best. He seemed overly cautious to let his steam off his chest. And as fo...

Overreact? Or Pure Stupidity

I pity those who were caught by the terrible traffic jam on Monday. Blame it to the Police, the Home Minister and of course the PM himself. If the idea was to get the people pissed off and blame it to the opposition for inconveniencing the public, then I think the idea flopped big time. In fact, it rebound and hit the authorities. The sentiments on the ground were such that people knew that there was no gathering planned on Monday and yet the police started the roadblocks since Sunday. Making announcement after announcement over the radio to warn the people not to join the rally. The magistrate even worked over time (or made to work??) on Sunday to grant a court order to bar DSAI from being anywhere near 5km radius from the Parliament house. The Home Minister even made reference to two blogs that supposedly called for 'illegal' rally to be held on Monday. One belongs to YB Zul Nordin and the other one belongs to a Malaysian in Dubai . Go and check out their blog entries before...


Jangan main-main dengan bersumpah. Nanti jadi Sumpah-Sumpah baru tau... Read this from Harakahdaily . KUALA LUMPUR, 6 Julai (Hrkh) - Ulama terkemuka di Malaysia seperti Mufti Perak, Dato' Seri Harussani Zakaria, bekas Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, Dato' Hashim Yahaya dan beberapa yang lain menegaskan, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak perlu bersumpah. Dato' Seri Harussani membuat penegasan itu berkata, Anwar yang dihadapkan pertuduhan melakukan liwat, tidak perlu bersumpah atau bermubahalah kerana ianya tidak menepati undang-undang Islam. Ini kerana katanya, tuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas beliau oleh bekas pembantu peribadinya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan adalah dakwaan jenayah yang termasuk dalam hukum kazaf. "Kaedahnya dalam kes ini, ialah 'orang yang menuduh mestilah mengemukakan bukti' dalam mahkamah, jika dia gagal mengemukakan bukti, dia boleh dikenakan hukuman hudud," katanya ketika dihubungi sebentar tadi. Mengulas mengenai cadang...

Apa nak jadi?

Maaf, tuan punya blog letih melayan berita-berita sensasi dan keji dalam negeri yang memperlihatkan betapa sakitnya kita semua rakyat Malaysia. Seruan terbaik.....dari ABIM. Baca di sini Kenyataan paling bangang....dari KJ. Baca di sini. Memang sah KJ bangang - sama la dengan komen bekas No. 1 negara, sepuluh tahun yang lalu - "mungkin dia cederakan diri dia sendiri. "

Jangan Mengeluh....a gentle reminder

Received this in an email from a friend. I think it's good to share and serves as a gentle reminder to me and perhaps to you too. InshaAllah. JANGAN MENGELUH ........... Kita selalu Bertanya....................dan Al-Quran sudah menjawabnya................. KITA BERTANYA : KENAPA AKU DIUJI? QURAN MENJAWAB "Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman," ("I am full of faith to Allah") sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menguji orang-orang yg sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yg benar dan, sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta." -Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3 KITA BERTANYA : KENAPA AKU TAK DAPAT APA YG AKU IDAM-IDAMKAN? QURAN MENJAWAB "Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." - Surah Al...

HOT: Bantahan Kenaikan Harga Minyak

These two pictures I took a short while ago. The group of protesters came from Masjid Kampung Baru and decided to stop at the intersection in front of SOGO. Policemen were busy diverting the traffic and the 'famous' red FRU trucks were parked about 200 meters from the intersection in front of the previous Dang Wangi police station. I didn't see any truck that carry water/chemical hose around. The group were chanting "Hidup Rakyat" and holding up placards and some banners. It was not a big crowd as I expected. May be a thousand or less.

What to do?

Much have been said about the increase in the price of petrol and diesel as announced by the Government last week. So effectively from the midnite of the 5th June 2008 the price of petrol was increased by RM0.78 or 40.6% from RM1.92 per litre to RM2.70 per litre. And for diesel, the increase was RM1.00 or a jump of 63.3% from RM1.58 to RM2.58 per litre. I used to take pride of my decision to use diesel powered vehicle and have been telling my friends that I save 34 cents per litre on diesel compared to petrol. Now no more. The difference is only 12 cents!. I usually fill up my tank for RM50.00 and I only refill once the (empty) fuel indicator started blinking. In normal circumstances RM50.00 of diesel is good enough for a week of driving from home - office - home and the necessary traveling for meetings (which could be 2 -3 meetings per day) within the city. RM50.00 of diesel could safely give me between 280km - 340km of traveling distance depending on my traveling patterns. So imagin...

Good to be Back

It's good to be back from a long and well deserved break. I have been away from KL for 7 days, 10 hours and 50 minutes. That was from 7.43AM on Friday 30th May 2008 and back at 6.33PM on Friday 6th June 2008. That was what stated in the KLIA car parking receipt. Yes, I left my car at KLIA. That's what I normally do whenever I travel by air with the whole family. It's too much of a hassle to take taxi (especially from KLIA - home) with all the luggages and stuffs with 5 small kids trailing behind. How much was the parking charges? Emmm....RM326.00. It's still worth it because considering the stuffs that we brought back from kampung, I think I would have to take 2 taxis or at at least a premier N*AZA Ria airport taxi to fit in all of us at one go. And that would probably costs me more that the parking charges. What I hate the most about taking taxi from KLIA is sometimes (most of the times!) you have to wait for quite a long time to get a taxi. Normally if I travel alon...

My Little Gurl Is Now 5!

Wah, how fast time flies. My little girl has turned 5 years old two days ago on 27th May. Happy birthday Kak Chik. Previous entries on Kak Chik. Will She, Will She Not - further update Happy Birthday, Kak Chik

Nikmat Tuhan Manakah Yang Kamu Hendak Dustakan?

Ada sapa-sapa yang sempat menonton rancangan Ar-Rayyan kendalian Dr. Fatma Az-Zahraa malam tadi (A*stro - Oasis; 10PM @ 26-05-2008)? Terkedu sekejap bila mendengar pengalaman yang dikongsi oleh tetamu jemputan dalam program yang disiarkan malam tadi. Tetamu tersebut (Encik Moha?) selalu mengalami sakit kepala yang teruk sejak berumur 14 tahun tetapi hanya didiagnos dan disahkan oleh pakar menghidapi brain tumor semasa beliau belajar di kolej. Disebabkan oleh penyakit barah otak itu, beliau telah hilang keupayaan untuk melihat - walaupun semasa rancangan itu keudara, anak matanya nampak kehitaman seperti orang lain. Dia juga mengalami strok disebelah kiri badannya. Dr. Fatma memberitahu dia mengenali tetamu ini kerana sering nampak Encik Moha hadir dalam majlis-majlis ilmu yang dia kendalikan. Dan satu sifat En Moha yang membuatkan Dr. Zahra hormat dengan En Moha ialah beliau kelihatan sentiasa tenang dan senyum sepanjang masa walaupun menghadapi ujian yang sangat berat. Bila ditanya ap...

Cuti Sekolah

Cuti sekolah dah bermula. Yeay! The best thing about school holidays is that the morning traffic is very very smooth. There is no unnecessary tension while driving to work. The not so good part is that I am always be under undue pressure to take leave and the kids keep asking when are we going back to kampung. During the last school break, their uncle came over to KL and drove everybody back to Melaka and I only went back to fetch them on the last day of the school break. This time around, the kids said they wanted to go back to Kelantan and spend the holidays with their cousins in Pasir Mas and KB. And I'm still trying to finish up all outstanding works on my table. Mmmm, may be there are some truth when people close to me told me that I am a workaholic. I find it hard to take a break from work even though I know taking a break is good for my body and good for my mind and definitely good for my family too. Sigh..... Ok, I'm going to take leave.....yes, I'm going to take le...

AKID lagi

This miracle boy never fail to amaze me with his witty replies or observations. Last nite during late dinner I admonished Kak Ngah when I saw her nonchalantly threw her school bag to the floor. Not that she was mad or something. So I told Kak Ngah, "tak baik baling-baling beg, dalam beg tu kan ada buku. Berdosa tau tak hormat buku, tak hormat ilmu...." Then out of sudden Akid who was seating at the other end of the dinner table continued.... " ya, tak baik tu dosa tau,.....kalau dosa, masuk neraka....neraka ada api...." Then Abang Akmal asked, "Kalau Syurga ada apa 'dik?" "Syurga ada aircond" Akid answered without a slightest hesitatation. And I almost choked on my dinner table because I could not tahan nak gelak.... big time!.

True Love

Fullamak! Found the link from McB's Blog . Memang menarik; boleh lah hilangkan rasa boring dan tension mengejar deadline demi deadline kat ofis ni. **Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

The Weekend Before

DIY When you have 'freelance' grass cutters stopped by at your house every other hour during weekends, then you know it was time for you to lift your lazy butts and cut the grass on your compound by yourself. Certainly it's more satisfying. WATER To celebrate(?) the generosity of the State of Selangor giving free water for the first 20 qubic metres, my kids and I decided to have fun and wash.......our bicycles together! Even Akid was busy washing Baba's bike.

Dearest Kak Long

My dearest Kak Long, Baba harus meminta maaf dari Kak Long kalau hari ni Kak Long dimarahi Cikgu atau didenda di dalam kelas kerana Kak Long tak bawa tugasan yang Cikgu suruh semalam. Bukan salah Kak Long. Adalah sangat tak adil kalau Kak Long yang kena marah oleh Cikgu BI atas sebab kealpaan Baba. Sepanjang hari ni Baba resah, runsing dan dibebani rasa bersalah yang teramat sangat sebab lupa masukkan dokumen tu dalam beg Kak Long sebelum ke sekolah pagi tadi. Baba lupa! Mungkin sebab dalam kepala Baba ada dua tiga benda lain yang Baba tengah fikirkan sebab hari ni Baba ada dua tiga meeting penting. Semalam, Ibu telah menghantar SMS kepada Baba meminta Baba carikan bahan dari internet untuk Kak Long. Tugasan untuk subject BI Kak Long katanya. Sebab kat rumah kita tak ada printer, Baba dah siap cetak dokumen2 tu di ofis. Oleh kerana Baba sampai rumah pun dah lewat malam, Baba ingat nak bagi dokumen tu pagi tadi sebelum Kak Long ke sekolah. Hatta masa Kak Long mandi pagi tadi pun Baba ma...

Pasar Malam

Satu hari, minggu lepas. Pulang dari kerja, Kak Ngah terus mengadu yang dia hampir2 kena tarik telinga dengan Cikgunya di sekolah petang tadi. "Kenapa?" "Sebab Kak Ngah cakap Kak Ngah tak pernah pergi pasar malam." "Habis tu?" Aku masih tak paham. "Mula tu Cikgu suruh buat karangan pasal cerita pergi pasar malam. Lepas tu dia cakap, mesti semua dah pernah pergi pasar malam, sapa yang tak pernah pergi....angkat tangan, dia nak tarik telinga" cerita Kak Ngah. "Pas tu?" Aku tanya lagi. "Lepas tu Kak Ngah angkat lah tangan; orang lain semua tak angkat tangan......Cikgu ingat Kak Ngah main-main, Kak Ngah bohong tak pernah pergi pasar malam." " So, Kak Ngah kena tarik telinga tak?" "Tak.....memang Kak Ngah tak pernah pergi pasar malam, Kak Ngah cakap Baba saya tak pernah bawak saya pergi pasar malam." Aku senyum, "Betul lah tu." Aku peluk Kak Ngah, dalam hati berbunga bangga because my daughter stood h...


Akid is now 2++. His 2nd birthday was sometime in December last year. (Baba dia sibuk sangat sampai tak sempat nak buat entry) Now, his favourite untie and cousins no longer call his Ibu to check on Akid; they call and talk to him directly!. Anyway, these are some of the gems from my miracle boy : Akid: Adik nak main game, adik nak main game..... Abang Akmal: Alaa...Abang nak main dulu Akid: Adik nak main game, adik nak main game dulu.... Abang Akmal: Adik nak main game apa? Akid: Game Over ****** Baba: 'Dik, tak nak masuk tangan dalam air (kolam ikan) tu.... Akid: Takkk, adik masuk jari je .... ****** Mmmm.......


For your kind information, No, I have not quit blogging;.....not yet at least. Will be back, InshaAllah. How soon? Can't tell.

To My Dearest

Happy birthday Sayang, I love you I love you I'm so in love with you. Thank you for being my Wife Thank you for being my roommate Thank you for being my housemate Thank you for being my soulmate

GE2008 - PRU12

Some people may still thought that they were dreaming when they woke up this morning and realised that their own states are now being ruled by the coalition of opposition parties. It may take time to have that fact sink in the people's head. While BN retains the federal government; BN lost Five (5) states. Yes read that again, 5 states; I am not kidding. PAS retains Kelantan in a more comfortable margins and the oppositions took control of Selangor, Penang, Perak and Kedah. BN wins federal govt but opposition takes five states Sunday March 9, 2008 MYT 5:55:52 AM KUALA LUMPUR: The Barisan Nasional will form the next Government as it has won more than half the parliamentary seats. However, the coalition suffered some of the greatest defeats in its history. Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, in accepting the results, said this was clear proof of democracy at work in the country. Among the results yesterday were:...

Kelantan GE2008 - PRU12

Takbirrr!!! PAS retain the government in Kelantan. AlhamdulilLah. Quick news from Harakahdaily here . Interesting results coming in as I blog. BN already admitted defeat in Penang. Samy Vellu lost in Sungai Siput and as at 10.35PM, votes were being recounted. Takbirrrr.