Harga Sebuah Blog

Taking the cue from Puan Lydia Teh, I was tempted to check on the worth of my blog. This is what I got:

Truly I should not complain. Afterall being in the same league with Lydia, Jeff Ooi and TV Smith is not that bad after all.

By the way my other blog is also worth zilch.

Emmm, Tak percaya ke?


Anonymous said…
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Kak Teh said…
tak pa tak pa! nanti kak teh kempen! SELAMAT HARI RAYA & MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN KEPADA SUPERHERO & KELUARGA! Masa kak teh balik nanti, kak teh nampak orang yang macam supehero tu - pastu saja u lah kan?
CikNi, alahai nak buek cammano...
Kak Teh, thank u jangan tak kempen. Salam Aidilfitri to you and family too.

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