Baby Baru

Ohh sungguh gembira sekali dapat baby baru last Tuesday.

Originally expected to be delivered late last month tapi tak pe lah asalkan semua selamat.

Sekarang ni tengah sibuk bermanja-manjaan dengan baby baru.

Last time dapat tahun 2002. Okay lah tu jarak dia.

Nanti bila ada masa, I will upload gambar dia.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Congrats bang!Mabruk alaika wa ala usratuka!Barakaallah!Regards to the happy mom.
elle said… it a boy or a girl?
Kak Teh said…
Tahniah! Tahniah! Alhamdulillah semuanya selamat anak dan isteri! Tak sabar kak teh nak tengok gambar ni!
To 2nd Anonymous, elle and Kak Teh, thanks for the comoliments,....but I have confession to make, it's not 'that' baby I'm talking about.

Heh heh heh, post. Until then, mari kita tengok sapa lagi yang kena....

(sorry lupa buat spell check)
Kak Teh said…
aaaah - a new car? a new computer? tak aci macam ni!! tiu bulan posa !! hehehe
elle said…
ayah, bulan pose x baik kenakan org...kurang pahala pose..;-)

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