The Ujian, the Incident (Part 1)

I have to let this thing off my chest.

It has been inside for far too long already. Been trying to find time but as usual, the urge to blog or write something always come at the time when I have other and more important things to do.

But at the same time, I feel that I could not blog on other things until and unless I pour this thing out in the open.


What would you do if suddenly you heard you wife screamed her lungs out at 6.10 in the morning? And when you rushed out of the washroom, there was an intruder pointing a twelve inches knife to your wife who was clinching your 7 months old baby in fear?

Just like a scene in a movie, only that it was not.


1st July 2006

The excitement of Football Mad Nation died prematurely in the morning of 1st July 2006.

Anak-anak ku,

Anak-anak masih lena tidur masa kejadian itu berlaku. Masa tu Ayah sudah bangun dan sedang mengambil air sembahyang untuk bersembahyang Subuh. Ibu pula sedang menyusukan Akid di atas katil.

Nenek sudah habis sembahyang dan sambung mengaji Al-Quran bersedia untuk mengejutkan Abang Chik. Cik Long di bilik sebelah pun dah habis sembahyang sambil menanti Kak Sarah sembahyang untuk sama-sama baca Yasin. Kak Jaja pula masih dalam bilik air membersihkan diri untuk solat. Kak Yah (maid) kita pun sedang mandi di bilik air di tingkat bawah.

Ya, siapa sangka.

Masa semua orang tengah sibuk dalam bilik masing2 untuk mandi, bersolat dan mengaji, ada empat ekor penyangak keparat sedang sibuk mengumpil pintu di bahagian tepi rumah kita.

Siapa sangka, lagipun hari dah nak siang.


Unknown said…
Biar betul!!

Apa jadi?
Bro. Jiwa - memang betul. My wife still traumatised with the incident.
anggerik merah said…
Wow, that is really bad incident.
shafarina said…
Alahai OSH. Siapa sangka. Mujur no one was hurt, I guess.

Sampai 4 orang jahat, God knows takutnya macam mana. I hope family OSH dapat hilangkan trauma tu. Send my (our) regards to ur family.

p/s: Lepas ni lebih precaution actions mcm burglar alarm semua la ye?
UglyButAdorable said…
Bro!!! I'm speechless to the max. damn those buggers!! i hope all is well and your wife will come out from her trauma. tak guna betul!! that's why i'm pestering my mom to install an alarm system.

alhamdullilah though, i assuming non one got hurt physically. and did they manage to get anything?

oo..this is so baddd...
Bunga Rampai said…
Dada saya sebak membaca tulisan ini kerana pernah melalui saat-saat genting begitu jam 5.30 pagi, membuka pintu bilik tidur dinanti oleh seorang lelaki bertopeng menghunus pisau 8 inci di muka. Apa yang boleh dibuat hanya menjerit, dan percaya hidup mati di tangan Tuhan, bertarung nyawa seketika.

Tapi kurang pasti apa yang perlu dibuat andai saya berada dalam situasi isteri OSH yang sedang meriba bayi.

Bersangka baik jua atas kejadian, ada hikmah. Menjadikan kita lebih mengambil berat terhadap beberapa perkara yang selama ini kita ambil ringan.

Moga segalanya pulih seperti biasa, walau saya tahu mengambil masa yang amat panjang untuk melupakan.

ayong said…
hope your family all right. did the police able to catch all those 4 keparat and teach them one or two lesson.

hmm.. after this nothing will be the same. if i were you i will be more paranoid them before. usually this are the time that i wish superman isnt imaginery..
KakNi said…
Pertama sekali - syukur kerana semua selamat dan dilindungi Allah dari sebarang kecederaan fizikal.

Keduanya simpati saya kepada hangpa satu family.

Ketiganya- kalau orang tua2 depa suruh pi mintak air penawar bagi hilang trauma, lepas tu baca yasin sebyk yg boleh utk bg org jahat panas bontot dan last sekali bersabarlah dengan ujian Allah.
MA said…

I hope nobody was hurt.

I cannot imagine the trauma.

Take care.
Kak Teh said…
oh my God!!! Ihope she is okay.This is a dangerous world we are living in. My son was accosted by two boys yesterday. They threatened to pull a knife on him kalau dia tak hand over his phone. he did and then they punched him. Both my husband and I felt like roaming the streets in search for these two beasts!
AnggerikMerah - yah quite shocking to the whole family.

Wan - thanks, no one was physically hurt. will continue in later entry.

Adorable - agree, I think alarm system is quite important in this dangerous world. I have just installed at my house.
BungaRampai - if you have gone through, I'me sure you know the present state of mind of my wife and MIL. Thanks for the doa.

Ayong - no lead from the police so far. Yes, nothing is the same now. Hopefully we all will get over this episode soon.

AHNI - thanks.
MakAndeh - Thanks. Will be ok insyaAllah.

Usha - I wish I was the superhero, superman, spiderman, ultraman or even cicakman with the power to eliminate those keparat.

Kak Teh - MasyaAllah. Hope your son is ok. It's a dangerous world that we live in - no doubt. You take care too.
Anggun said…
Bro..kesiannya wife you..Tak boleh nak bayangkan! Harap semuanya selamat..amin..

Mungkin elok diamalkan bacaan ayat kursi sebelum tidur dan hembus keliling rumah..ada sahabat beritahu. InsyaAllah..
Sya said…
Astaghafirullah... kak sya baca pun dah naik bulu roma.. can't imagine yr wife sekarang..

Alhamdullilah sekeluarga tak diapa-apakan. Semoga sentiasa di bawah lindungan Allah hendaknya.
AuntyN said…
Astaghafirullah. Sebak dada baca ni. Dah lah dulu tu accident now, trauma ini pulak.

Alhamdullillah semua physically unhurt.

Btw, so sorry that you can't seem to read my entry with the new layout. I have no idea why. But will will ask help from the bloggers lah. see if anything can be corrected.
Aunty N - thanks, ingat dah tak semnpat nak melawat kat sini sebab sibuk buat renovation.

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