Last Words

Sorry Guys, you kind visitors.

May have to stop blogging for a while. Not sure for how long or whether it will be for good. There are many other things to do besides blogging.

Sebenarnya, keadaan tidak mengizinkan..........susah nak cakap kenapa.

Tapi mungkin ada yang dah tahu...........atau ada yang teman2 dah boleh agak...........



Kak Teh said…
ish ish ish - kak teh dok suspense!! INgat apa dah jadi! btw - kak teh dah selamat mengerjakan umrah dan dah balik ke KL - lusa balik ke London.
World Cup? what world cup?
Kak Teh! Welcome back. AlhamdulilLah. Can't wait for your next entry.
UglyButAdorable said… cup la nie..gerenti nyerr..
U.B.A - yess, its the world cup. The match schedules have already been imported into my MS Outlook to remind me of the important games.
lieawulf said…

ingatkan betul ada masalah serius...

mari gelakkan diri berjemaah...HAHAHA!

btw...Neds won over Serbia-Montenegro, yeaaay!
AuntyN said…
Iye lah tu :-)

Tengok bola, tido bola, makan bola, minum bola se bulan tu. Mau angin seluruh badan tu, padan muka hehehe

jangan maraaaaahhh, gurau aje OK..
shafarina said…
Ler.. entry suspens lagik.

Tak tulis lak sokong team mana eh?
Sya said…
laa. suspen ajer...
AnggeriMerah - Thanks

Alia - mari kita lihat siapa yang kenaa! Orange? Hope they do well this time.

AuntyN - alaaa, 4 tahun sekali aje

Wan - Sokongggg...Brazil hope they will meet Germany in the final.

K Sya - hah ha.

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