Today is 06-06-06! Wau!

I didn't realise it until the Chairman of the new AFFIN Islamic Bank mentioned it during his welcoming speech on the occasion of the official launch of AFFIN Islamic Bank this morning.

And of all the official launching of new Islamic bank subsidiaries that I have attended so far, the souvenir from AFFIN Islamic is the most practical and the best. Whilst other Islamic banks gave key chains or pens and other boring stuffs, AFFIN Islamic gave a small pendant thumbdrive of 128MB.

Class gitu.


Sya said…
OS.. kalau ikutkan citer dlm Bible, 6/6/06 ni adalah tarikh kelahiran Dajal/anak Syaitan.. that is why ada remake citer "The Omen" sekarang ni sebagai reminder. kak sya masih ingat lagik versi lama citer tuh.. menakutkan
Kak Sya - ya, teringat lagu '666 - the number of the beasts' oleh Metalica masa zaman rock heavy metal kat sekolah dulu.
AuntyN said…
Tak perasan pun jugak hari tu tu, ingat macam hari hari biasa je macam hari 010203040506.

Amboi class gitu dapat thimbdrive no.
KakNi said…
amboi syok nya dapat thumbdrive free, dalam zaman ICT ni dapat thumbdrive tu macam dapat duit la jugak....
AuntyN - amboi panjangnya nombor!

AnggerikMerah - sama? good luck to you on your undertakings.

AHNI - kalau tahu dalam box tu ada thumdrive, dah lama buat muka tak malu mintak extra.:)
Ina - welcome, personal punya, belum bukak lagi. But I think my office has existing Islamic account with the bank. Keje ngan Affin ke?
Ina - welcome back! me kerja mana? u have to read my earlier entry (on March 21 - Updates). :)
Ina - can't access to your url. You blog?

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