Football mad nation

*Theme song: Ooo ooo oooo oooO Football mad nation*

So the football madness has almost claimed its first victim. Today and......Yesterday.

For two consecutive days, my wife and I failed to hear the alarm clock that would normally rang at about ten minutes to 6 in the morning. So for two straight days I had to jump off the bed and scrambled to washroom and took quick shower so that I would not be late for Fajr prayer and get ready to work..

To make the matter worst, yesterday Kak Ngah decided to 'buat hal'. She just refused to get up and get ready for school for no apparent reason. Tension betul. Puas pujuk tak nak bangun, dah angkat pun siap jatuh tidur balik!!. Kak Ngah berkeras tak nak gi sekolah.

Well and fine. I told her that I was not going to wait for her as I have to go to office early to make sure that some documents for one signing ceremony were in order. Told Kak Ngah that she better be really sick and be able to get 'Surat Doktor' if her Ibu were to bring her to the clinic. Otherwise, she would have to bear the responsibility for being absent from school without valid reason.

Before I left home for office, specifically instructed Kak Long and Abang Akmal that no one was allowed to talk to or play with Kak Ngah. That should serve her as a lesson. I was pretty sure that she would get the same cold treatment from her Ibu too the whole day yesterday.

Today again we didn't hear the alarm. Woke up at 6.30 a.m and I have to rush to office because I need to be at the office by 7.00 a.m. I promised my colleague that we have to further discuss the issues and firm up our views before we were to meet the client at 8.30 a.m. We had earlier spent the whole night debating on the best approach to the deal with the issues raised by a client. And last nite, I only reached home when the France v Swiss was already into the second half - that was way past 1.00 a.m.

But this morning Kak Ngah didnot repeat what she did yesterday. Apparenty Kak Ngah had learnt her lesson well. She quickly got up from her bed after being asked to do so by her Ibu and even went to take her shower downstairs as the two bathroom upstairs were occupied without making much fuss. She knew that she should not test my patience again today.

By the time I came down for breakfast, she had already at the table taking her breakfast. I decided to play on her guilt and put on that "I don't want to fren-fren with you - I am still mad at you" face. No words spoken. Took the car keys and headed for the car. She was at the door waited for my signal. Looked at her and told her with a serious tone, "You go to school with Ibu today". I really meant business.


UPDATED : June 14, 2006. 10:54 p.m.

Hah hah ha. That worked well actually.

Just now when I reached home at about 9.30 p.m., she was there again at the door with that "teary eyed - pity me" look. She salam-ed with me and asked for forgiveness. Mmmm, sejuk hati Ayah. In return, I gave her a hug and kissed on her forehead. "Ayah maafkan, tapi promise jangan buat lagi."


anggerik merah said…
Emmm...really a good lesson! Sometimes wonder why kids are like that. Maybe we also like that when we were small. A time when feeling don't want to go to school.
Anggerik Merah - we adults also the same. Sometimes feel lazy to go to work!
UglyButAdorable said…'re so sweet...dotting father...but sememangnyer we must make them know that a no is a no and a yes it's a hanky panky where serious stuffs are concerned, biler dah besar panjang nak buang tebiat lain crite tu tanggung sendiri but when they're small we should instill good values in them... u go daddy..and btw happy father's day to you..
MA said…
Hahaha...girls are easier to *manipulate* with their emotions.

Now, have you tried that with your son ?


*MA with two auta-laden sons *
Adorable - yes, I am trying hard to be a good father. Hope I succeed.

MakAndeh - ha ha. Have not tried that with my son yet. I have the feeling that he is more 'loyar' than myself. May have to think other trick or check your blog for some tips.
KakNi said…
eh eh ke-shiannnnn nye dekat die- anak babah yang manja tu.....
AHNI - sekali sekala terpaksa buat serius sket.
Kak Teh said…
Happy Father's Day OSH. I sometimes wish I still have a father to dote on me...A husband's doting is never quite the same, betul tak?
Kak Teh - memang tak sama and will never be the same.
AuntyN said…
OS : Sorry dah terlambat sikit, Happy father's day.

Biasalah kadang2 budak2 tu malas nak gi sekolah. My girls pun kadang2 camtu jugak lah :-)
Tapi kalau time rajin, kita pun kalah.
AuntyN, thanks. I should check out for your tips.
Sya said…
Happy Fathers day OS.. like MA said girls senang di manipulate compared to boys
Sya - now that you have concurred with MA, then I have to be doubly careful with my sons.
lieawulf said…
"Anggerik Merah - we adults also the same. Sometimes feel lazy to go to work!"

betul OSH hehehe...hari ni pun saya malas nak pergi kerja, baru balik pangkor. so EL jelah hehehe
Lieawulf - sama lah kita. Monday blues. Just came back frm Taman Negara.
Anonymous said…
best regards, nice info » » »

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