When Baba Becomes Barber

I had a swith of profession last weekend. I took the opportunity to trim and cut Arif's hair. Of all my kids only Arif was born with lots of hair. Others were born almost without much hair and remained so for almost 1 1/2 or two years old. Even my girls were the same.

But Arif is different. He has thick hair especially on the sides of his temple. This was Arif before the hair cut.


MA said…
What a gorgeous little boy!

Kejap aje dah besar ye? My kids pun masa kecik-kecik rambut macam bulu jagung, halus nipis-nipis. Lepas mandi pakai tiup aje kasi kering, tak payah sikat-sikat!

shafarina said…
Owh so this is Arif!

Gambar Akid tu bila nak ganti dengan Arif pulak ek?

MA: I tak tau pulak teknik tiup sampai kering...ha ha.

CikWan: Tukar gambar Akid? No way...Akid said.
pB said…
rambut anak pB semua jenis lebat dan keriting ...

nu'rong aBah dio
Sya said…
He he.. agaknya sume budak nama Arif comel ek.. (perasan anak sendiri le ni)...
Justiffa said…
OMG OS comeynye!! haish lambatnye akak nak bercucu so that i can have me one of those (bole main but w/out the responsibilities lol)
PB: jange series nu'rong abah dio sudoh la..

K'Sya: dia memang menjadi mangsa kegeraman(?) elder siblings.

K'RK: very soon kot...InshaAllah.

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