I'm officially 39 today.

Ingatkan nak surprise my Wife nak cuti duduk rumah aje hari ni. Hantar-ambik anak kat sekolah; and spend the rest of the day bermanja2an di rumah.

I had it all planned out to take leave today and complete whatever works that I need to do in the office, arrange my meetings accordingly etc. etc. so that I could take one day off.

Tiba2 pagi semalam dapat e-mail from client kata ada meeting kat MOF pagi ni. Adusss, and unfortunately, for this particular meeting I do not have the choice but to attend. We have sent the documents to the relevant persons at MOF for their perusal since third week of December 2007; finally agreed to meet us to discuss on the documents.

And they chose to have the meeting TODAY. Habis....all my planning gone to the drain. :(

Off to the meeting now. Nanti lambat pulak. Kalau rajin nanti I sambung posting after the meeting.


pB said…
Salam O.S.H

Baru 39 ker??

Mudo lagi tu .....

Selamat Hari Jadi...
Moga hidup akan terus berkat ...

Tock buak pulut kuning kor??
(sedap tuuuu) ....

psstt.. suko sangat hati pB sebab lonni O.S.H rajing update blog ....
Kak Teh said…
happy birthday!!!!!!!! amboi mudanya! tak apa - banyaklagi hari-hari yang boleh bermanja2an.
Ku Keng said…
Mi...oops, sorry. OSH:

Selamat hari jadi. Nanti belanja nasi padang.
MA said…
Happy Birthday!

Enjoy being in your 30s...hehe. Next year dah nak kena biasakan isi ruang form "Age" dengan nombor 4x pulak. I had a hard time dulu to get used to it. Asyk tersasul aje tulis 3x... :-)
KakNi said…
Happy belated birthday to OS!

Jgn lupa sambung story ok. Balik meeting tak pergi celebrate birthday ke?

Are you sure you are only 39 this year? Alhamdulillah, you are one successful young person I have ever known...

(psst... next year not so young anymore)
CikPB: Mudo lagi ko? Alhamdulillah. Psst....tock lah rajing mace PB update blog demo tuh

KakTeh: manja2an tulis nama atas pasir pantai macam K'Teh boleh?
Bunga Rampai said…

Ada birthday rupanya ...

Selamat Hari Lahir, moga panjang umur dalam kebajikan.

Jaga kesihatan juga - health is wealth, gitu kata Vitagen :-)

Selamat bermountain biking ... memang menarik!
Kak Teh said…
hhe osh, dah senja-senja ni, setakat tulis atas pantai tu boleh laaaa!
Ayoh Keng: nasi padang? boleh saja. We worry about cholesterol later.

MA: thanks for the tips...ha ha

AHNI: thanks, nak sambung lagi cite InshaAllah.
CikRampai: yes, health is wealth. CikRampai dah sihat?

KakTeh: tulis kat pantai tu ekspresi yang terpahat di hati. Dok gitu?
Justiffa said…
weh..... happy belated 39th birthday!!!!! trang tang tang lagi tu heheh n the best years of ur life is yet to come... semoga bahagia sihat sejahtera brsama yang trsayang :)
Unknown said…
Selamat hari lahir terlambat. Jangan risau. Hidup baru bermula. Orang kata, hidup bermula ketika umur mencecah 40... :)
Ms RK: thank you for kind wishes

Bro Jiwa: tahun depan muda kembali?
Bunga Rampai said…
Alhamdulillah, bertambah segar. Dah mula dah merayau-rayau blog :-)

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