Happy Father's Day

This is a backdated entry.

I was at the office last Friday night when I received a call from Kak Chik.

"Baba, bila Baba nak balik"
"Kenapa?, Baba tengah work lagi ni"
"Cepat lah balik, Kak Chik ada kad birthday Baba..."
"Birthday? Kan birthday Baba dah lepas"

"Shhhh.....bukan birthday lah, happy father's day!" I heard someone whispering to Kak Chik.

This is the card made by Kak Chik at her kindie.

This is the drawing of cable car by Kak Ngah. Both Kak Ngah and Abang Akmal drew cable car using water colour and gave to me as their thank you gestures for our recent holiday trip to Langkawi.

This is the creative works of Abang Akmal.

And this is another piece by Kak Ngah to me for Father's Day.

Happy Father's Day to my blogging father friends, Sifu Ayoh Keng, Bro Jiwa, Pak Adib, the Scribe dan ramai lagi. Semoga sentiasa dirahmati Allah sentiasa.

Al Fatihah dan Doa yang berpanjangan untuk Almarhum Ismail bin Ibrahim, my late father - the greatest Superhero of my life. Sedar tak sedar sudah lebih hampir 17 tahun Ayoh dah tak ada. Semoga Ayoh dengan Mek ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. InsyaAlLah.


Anonymous said…
Happy Father's Day, OSH!

When I first got a Mother's Day card from my eldest boy , made in Tadika - wah...rasa macam kena strike lottery. Terharu sangat.

I still have it.
KakNi said…
Happy Father's Day OS (sori, dah lambat...)
Sya said…
Selamat Hari Bapa... cute card tuh
UglyButAdorable said…
happy father's day to u bro..

auwww..sweet of kak chik

and may we all be his neighbours in the jannah..insya Allah...
Anonymous said…
Happy Belated Father's day ...
lieawulf said…
hepi hepi father's day
Kak Teh said…
Aaah, happy belated Baba's Day!!!
Bunga Rampai said…
Lagi sekali: Happy Father's Day :)

Comel kad-kad tu ...
Cat Cat said…
All your anak2 cute sesangat.
Your miracle boy so cute... Tembam sungguh, rasa nak cubik2 pipi-nya. Geram sangat. Hehehe.

I read all your entries today - so sad to read about your accident menjelang Hari Raya 2005. Seram sejuk tengok gambar2 kereta superhero yang teruk remuk tu...

Loved all your posts.

Anyway, happy belated Father's Day.
MakAndeh: Thanks! Masih simpan? You're really hoarded.

AHNI: Thank you

K'Sya: first card from Kak Chik!

Cik Adorable: Thanks. InshaAllah for all of us
IBU: Thank you.

Lieawulf: Thanks, how's life now, better ek?

KakTeh: BABA says thank you.

CikRampai: terima kasih sekali lagi.

CatCat: dah baca semua? wow, me honoured!

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