Langkawi (Day 2)

7.31 a.m. Kids and their Ibu were still asleep. I just wished I could join hem under the comfort of their blankets.

But I have no choice. Need to complete this working paper that I will be presenting at a law seminar organised by an IPTA in Kuala Terengganu on this coming 9th June.

I woke up at about 4 a.m. this morning to work on the unfinished business and it remained unfinished as of now.

Earlier I had sent my presentation in powerpoint format as I usually did for my other presentation but later I was asked to send my 'kertas kerja' in an essay format. Yes to make it worse, it has to be in Malay. Gosh writing a working paper on legal related issues is....difficult to say the least.

So here am I, in Langkawi on holiday and still stuck with this unfinished business. Soon the kids would wake up start asking what we would do today and where we would we go today. I am very sure that they won't stay in their hotel room until I finished with my assignment.


pB said…

Lagu mano ni, cuti cuti pun keno krijo jugok ...

Si'ae nyor lah ....

Harap semua urusan kerja dapat diselesaikan dengan jayanya dan tidak menganggu aura cuti cuti mesia itu ....

psst....tok kelik klate kor??
Bunga Rampai said…

Ayoyo, banyaknya saya ketinggalan entri! Tup tup, orangnya sudah berada di Langkawi..

Kerja jugak? Really OSB ... adeh:p

Btw, Happy Birthday (yang terlewat) untuk Kak Achik, moga cemerlang dalam segalanya, juga jadi anak yang baik untuk kedua ibu bapanya.

Ceria-ceria ya!
UglyButAdorable said…
sucks ainnit and stil have to work..but that's life as it is...anyway do have fun okehh...
PB: Cuti dan kerja tak dapat dipisahkan...hah hah ha

CikRampai: Langkawi memang destinasi pilihan anak-anak. Pejabat ialah destinasi pilihan Ayahnya!

CikAdorable: dah tak dapek nak nolong.

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