Dialog Hari Ahad

Day: Sunday
Venue: Mark & Spencer, KLCC

Yang, Ayang tak curiga ke suddenly Abang beli baju-baju macam ni?

Mmmm, curiga jugak.


Ye lah, dah lah selalu balik lambat, makin hari makin sibuk kat ofis. Mana lah tau kan.....

He heh he ..... mana ada.

UPDATED @ 2.45 p.m.

You can never fool an OTAI (Old Timer) or more specifically, you can never fool someone who has been in journalism for more than 20 or 30 years.

I clocked in office early today to prepare for myself for a presentation that I have to make at a client's office. Then I thought I have a little time to try to write something in my blog.

And Kak Teh was the first to comment on my desperate attempt to update my blog.

She said ".....yang abang tanya ayang tu apa pasal? rasa bersalah ke? heheh! aiyayayaya!
ya laaa, mana ada....!:). good attempt to update."

Yes, Kak Teh, I admit. I am guilty. That was my desperate attempt to keep up with my new year resolution. So much so that I had to resort to writing a "teaser"! (And with no promise that I would ever come up with proper entry).

Hey, I am superbusy ok!!. Cheers.


Kak Teh said…
yang abang tanya ayang tu apa pasal? rasa bersalah ke? heheh! aiyayayaya!
ya laaa, mana ada....!:)
good attempt to update.
KakTeh: ma'am, I plead guilty.
Anonymous said…
haha...kantoi!! in contempt of blog.
Keropok said…
tricky conversations with the missus. you got the balls to do it, bro... RESPECT!
Sya said…
Hah not an Ordinary Super Hero.. jangan menipu tak baik tau...
Keropok: just testing waters...

KSya: ooh kalau tipu habis hilang power eh?
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