Happy Birthday Kak Long

Dearest Kak Long, my jantung hati.

Happy Birthday and congratulations for your 11th birthday today.

As usual, your Baba is very busy and too stressed out with works and drop dead deadlines to even honour you with a proper entry in this blog. My apology sayang.

But I did sing happy birthday song to you during breakfast this morning!.

As always, my prayers with you in all your endeavours.


Read.....previous entries on Kak Long's birthday in 2008 and 2007.


Bunga Rampai said…
Selamat Hari Lahir untuk Kak Long jantung hati Babanya :)

Eh, takkan Baba Kak Long nyanyi je! Keknya mana? :P

Mudah-mudahan Kak Long membesar menjadi wanita yang bertaqwa dan menjadi teladan kepada sekalian wanita. Moga dalam perlindungan dan hidayah Allah di mana jua berada.

Salam :)
CikRampai: Kak Long cakap, terima kasih auntie Rampai.
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