Tale of a Father

One afternoon, many many moons back.

We were just jalan-jalan at Ampang Point. My kids and I were at the kid's section, while my wife was at the ladies' section with Akid.

"Baba, boleh tak Angah nak beli baju?"

"Baju apa? Kan dah banyak baju baru?"

"Tak...., ni baju yang pakai kat dalam punya"

<***Blurr> "Yang pakai kat dalam punya? Yang macam mana?"

"Alaaa, yang ada tali tu" Angah was making her hand gestures. Looks like she was explaining a shirt with a strap over the shoulders.

"Yang macam mana? Baba tak tahu la" Oh no, I hope she would not ask for a spaghetti strap t-shirt. I would not allow that!

"Baju tu kita pakai kat dalam, lepas tu pakai la baju lain kat luar" Angah still trying hard to explain.

"Macam tu?" I was pointing to the big advert that showed some kids wearing chequered shirts with plain coloured t-shirts in the inside.

"Bukan....." Angah sounded a bit frustrated. "Dia macam yang Kak Sarah pakai tu"

I scracthed my head trying to recall the type shirt that my niece wore she she came over to my house sometime back.

"Alahai, mana Baba nak ingat baju macam mana yang Kak Sarah pakai"

My second daughter started to sulk. Ahhh I hate this.

"OK, okay.... Angah tunjuk ada tak baju tu kat sini. Kalau ada Baba beli kan"

"Tapi tak de kat sini"

"Habis tu, camna Baba nak buat? I don't know what you want!. OK, why don't you go to your Ibu and tell her what you want".

Teary eyed, Angah went to her mother. Less than three minutes, my wife came and smiled.

"Apa dia nak?" I asked.

"Dia nak beli......camisole. Tak de kat sini. Kat Reject Shop mungkin ada"

Aaarrrgh, cakap la awal-awal.


KakNi said…
Heheheh... samada dia memang x tahu nak panggil 'baju' tu apa atau malu nak cakap dgn Baba dia... dah besar anak nyer ek....
IBU said…
phewww... ingat bra tadi!

p/s welcome back. timely lah... superman3 pun dah started screening. hehehh!!
AHNI: ya anak Baba dah besar!

Ibu: I was thinking of that 'thing' too. :)
UglyButAdorable said…
whooohooaaa...dah besar nie anak abah...

all the best bro...i'm sure it's gonna be an amazing journey
CikAdorable: yes, it's gonna be a life long learning experience. Thanks sis!
Anonymous said…
Hahaha...you should be the one who is teary-eyed cos she asked YOU !

Hehe..normally benda2 mcm ni girls would asked Mom.

Dah besar anak Baba...before you know it, you'll be holding a shotgun to the boys lining up to date her :P
ANDEH: heh he, I think she asked me because it's easier to get what she wanted through me than her Ibu.

Shotgun? better make it double barrel semi automatic.
Bunga Rampai said…
Masa berlalu tanpa disedari. Tau-tau anak-anak sudah pandai memilih pakaian sendiri dan bergaya :)

CikRampai: masa terlalu cepat berlalu. Harap2 tak terlepas 'keseronokan' melihat mereka membesar di depan mata.
Helena said…
budak2 sekarang kecik2 dah concious. Just bought 5 camisoles for Puteri, my 8 yr old.

Very unlike my time dulu....
Helena: your Puteri is same age with my Angah. Tapi my Kak Long buat tak tahu aje pasal benda2 ni.
Helena said…
My Puteri sibuk nak pakai benda2 tu sebab nak ikut kakak2 dia, padahal, takde benda nak tutup pun.... HAHA. Mungkin Angah terkenan tengok ibu dia or cousins perempuan dia kut.... (mesti ada IDOLA dia tu....hehe)
Kak Teh said…
hahaha! OSH,you ni as blur as my husband laaa. He took out our daughter's laundry - and found some small things - didnt know whether they were hair bands or ribbons. I said ,neither!
HELENA: I guess Angah saw her cousin wore it the other day. But I would never knew what my niece was wearing in the confines of the girls room.

KakTeh: ohhh Kak Teh, neither? So what was it? *seakan-akan blur*
pB said…
Hi hi hi..

anak pB yang sulong dan ke dua , baru 11 tahun .
Tapi, this year dah start guna training bra...
PB: dok sapa ko bab-bab tu lagi.

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