Selamat Hari IBU

Updated 23rd May 2007


Since people say that Mother's Day should not be confined to 13th May only but Mothers must be appreciated every day, 365 day a year instead. So I decided to let the post below shall remain, for the time being. :)


The truth is, as you may have already known, I am very very very busy.......and penat, letih, terduduk, terbaring kesibukan.

Original Post


My 'Selamat Hari IBU' wish goes to....

The beautiful Ibu of my five lovely kids
The Ibu of the beautiful Ibu to my five lovely kids
The blogging Ibu(s) whose blogs I frequent every day
(Kak Teh, Mak Andeh, AuntyN, K'Sya, AHNI, PB, Wan, AnggerikMerah, Ailin, Ibu, Helena.....ada lagi? nanti I tambah)

May Allah showers all His blessings unto all of you.

The pictures of the artworks done by my big boy, Akmal and his sister, Angah dedicated to their mother.

Akmal's blue and red works was done at his kiddie last Friday. He kept it in his room and only gave it to his mother last night.

Angah did the yellow and green artwork by herself yesterday (Saturday) when I was in office. I noted the spelling mistake on her works, but I was proud of her still!.

And of course, my doa to my late mum, semoga Allah menempatkan almarhumah Minah Binti Noh di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Amin.


UglyButAdorable said…
amin... semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat ALLAH....

and happy mother's day to your mrs too...
anggerik merah said…
TQ and happy mothers day to yr wife.

Semuga Allah sentiasa cucuri rahmant keatas semua ibu yang telah tiada.
CikAdorable: thank you, sis.

AnggerikMerah: thanks.
Helena said…
OSH..... Semoga Allah sentiasa mencucuri rahmat ke atas arwah ibu OSH.

Also Happy Mothers Day to your wife....

Creative your kids ye?
pB said…
Selamat Hari Ibu buat isteri ..

Moga rohnya mak dicucuri rahmat ALLAH sentiasa

so kalerpul...
so nice ...
so kreatif

apa benda dalam botol tu??
shafarina said…
TQ and happy mother's day to ibu (ur wifey) too.

Masa kindergarden adalah cikgu ajar my kids buat craft utk MD tapi bila sekolah rendah ni takde pulak.

Tapi, gelaran ibu tu dah cukup dah buat saya ni OSH. Tak senang tu hhehe
Helena: happy mother's day to you too. creative...yes that's the good part. The mess after the creative session...that's the not so good part.

PB: ada apa dalam botol? Sekuntum bunga cina! seriously, it's empty.

CikWan: ya, gelaran itu besar tanggungjawabnya.
Anonymous said…
Happy Mother's Day to Ordinary Superheroine !

Gone are the days my kids would do those crafts for me --- sekarang Mak dia pulak kena belanja for Mother's Day!
M'Andeh: hah ha awak tu kan dah masuk four series! let me enjoy this before it lasts

SunanJati: salam kenal-kenalan.
Diyanazman said…
happy mother's day to the mother of these creative kids! :)
KakNi said…
Terima kasih.

Very creative hadiah untuk ibu tersayang tu. Ayah hadiahkan apa pulak? Habak mai.

Selamat Hari Ibu untuk your wife!
IBU said…
ooohhhhh...what lovely bottles! i would have tears in my eyes kalau the children bawak balik art crafts from school with their "i have a surprise for your ibu!!!" gimmick.

uwaaaa... baru one and a half day away from them, and missing the riots already.
Bunga Rampai said…

Belum terlambat kan untuk ucapan?Selamat Hari Ibu untuk ibu kepada anak-anak OSH :)

pB said…

Bilo Two'wear ghumoh nok update nie???
IBU: Salam hari Ibu.

CikRampai: masih belum terlambat kot...?

PB: ceewah, lawa gamba awek tuh. Two'wear ghumoh tok de nok update, sibuk bedo'oh.
KakNi said…
Mmmmm.... kesian kat OS, kalau sibuk tak payah lah update, cuma jgnlah lupakan kami ni kawan2 blog.. heheheh

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