Pakcik Kayoooooooo

How do you feel if you unexpectedly found some crispy new notes in your drawer?

Oooh yeah, I was sifting through old cheque books (cheque butts?), pictures, receipts etc etc in my drawer in the office this afternoon when I saw a worn out white office envelope. Guess what inside the envelope?

Haha hah ha......Pak cik Kayo, yeay!.

There were 12 pieces of rm100 notes and seven pieces of rm5 notes. All notes are serially numbered. The rm5 notes are actually in green RHB hari raya packets!. Must have been the money I reserved for hari raya. But which year of hari raya? I just couldn't recall when and why I actually left the money there in the first place.

Well doesn't matter what. I am rm1,235 richer today.

Hah hah hah. Jangan marah ye, I'm singing hari raya tune now. La lala la la...


KakNi said…
Meh kita salam raya... salam in advance.. and duit ray in advance too
KakNi said…
duit ray==>duit raya
pB said…
Rezeki maghi tergolek la kalu gini...

lepah ni , buleh buat skali lagi...

skalo ado jugok jupo hok lagu ni, tapi tak dok la sapa ribu ribu ...
AHNI: "bersalam-salaman, bermaaf-maafan, di hari yang mulia ini" **ikut tune lagu raya. So...mintak maaf in advance lah ye. ;)

PB: ha'ah. teringat masa-masa tengah sengkek kat asrama, kalu terjumpa duit, gila seronok.
Helena said…
Helena akan happy gila if kadang2 "terjumpa" a crumpled RM50 note kat pocket jeans or dalam poket kat bag.

BUT RM1200?????????????? Wow Weyyyyy!!!!!

Pesan Helena, belanja anak isteri jugak..... jangan enjoy sorang jer.... hehe
ayong said…
elok la tu rezeki untuk mothers day.*makna tersirat* hahaha.
Helena: ye la. cuti sekolah dah dekat. nak kena pergi somewhere ni...

Ayong: Thanks for the reminder. Lama tak nampak?
13may said…
eh! rasanya kita bersaudara kan???


Salam Jumaat...tetiba sesat datang sini.

Have a nice weekend:)
En13May: ya memang kita bersaudara. Welcome, jauh mai noo...
Anonymous said…
Cuba check kat notes tu - ada gambar pokok pisang tak ? Berapa lama simpan dalam drawer daa..??
Bunga Rampai said…
Saya terliur ... ahakss!

Alhamdulillah :)

IBU said…
Wahai OSH si pakcik kayo
Duit terlebih bloggers terliur
Esok pi beli groceries kat Tesco
Open d house for makan2 cam hari rayo!!!!
M'ANDEH: he pokok pisang for sure. Rasanya mungkin since raya 3 tahun lepas kot?

CikRampai: Alhamdulillah

IBU: Oh Ibuuu, selamat Hari Ibu.
Diyanazman said…
because u are already rich in the first place, thats y u can forget about things like that... hehe :p

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