Guess Who Am I?

Guess who am I?

Clue: read here,




see below!

Yes, this boy is getting deliciously tembam by the day.

Akid dah masuk 5 bulan last week. Sebenarnya tak de lah tembam sangat. His weight is slightly close to 6 kg. Tak tahu kenapa, kebanyakkan gambar-gambar yang ada, semua orang kata Akid tembam.

Photogenic kot?


shafarina said…
Ala la la Akid comelnya..

Pipi dia tembam la, picit2, cubit2 best nih. Pas tu tengok dia sampai nangis. Hihihi

Camne bos leh terslipped kat public nih. :p
Wan - puuh, jangan lah sadis sangat ngan anak teruna I.

Aduh, Bos dah kantoi. :(
UglyButAdorable said…
wwuuiii..stressnyerr..pikir masalah baby kaa?? raser nak cubit cubit pipi yg stress tuu
Anonymous said…
Comelnye anak you..agak2nye sure resemble ibunye lebih kot hehehe..but he sure looks chubby.kudos to the parents.
U.B.Adorable - stress pikir pasal baby? No. Stress boleh hilang bila balik tengok muka innocent budak2.

Anon - thank to God for the blessings.
ayong said…
comelnya..tembam tu menawan..
dimurahkan rezeki..
AuntyN said…
Bulatnya mata, tembamnya pipi. Bak sini nak gigit2 sikit tu hehehe
Ayong - thanks and welcome.

AuntyN - nak gigit? eishhh....
anggerik merah said…
Comel..comel nya AKID. Mata bulat pipi tembam..semua orang dah nak picit, cubit & what is left for me to do then? Boleh pinjam satu hari nak main dengan dia tak? Dah boleh menerap dah? Oppps sorry dah lupa tak ingat berap bulan baby menerap..
AnggerkMerah - pinjam per hour basis. Macam buku red tag kat library. :)
MA said…
Labuhnya pipi :-)

Cutenya baby - tend to make you think back of the musibah (read : accident) dulu and count your blessings kan ?

Looking at Akid everyday and think of kebesaran Allah.

You are blessed. So very, very blessed :-).
MakAndeh - yes, sometimes you need gentle reminder like what you said to bring you back to earth and be grateful for all the blessings. AlhamdulilLah.

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