Arrrrgh Tension

Updated Version 22 May 2006

Aduuuuh, tensionnya.

Kerja banyak, berlambak2 dan semuanya 'Extremely Urgent'. Tapi macam mana nak habis kalau hari2 kena keluar meeting. Kadang-kadang ada sampai 2-3 meeting sehari. Keluar masuk, keluar masuk pergi meeting, bila masuk opis balik dah lewat petang.

Tapi orang kata, tak boleh komplen. Murah rezeki lah kalau kerja banyak. Kalau tak de kerja langsung lagi parah tensionnya.

Setakat hari ni dah dua orang clients cakap, 'Wah, your business must be very good. Sibuk sangat ke sampai tak sempat potong rambut?'. Kalau dah tiap2 hari balik malam, memang le tak sempat nak pergi gunting rambut.

Agak nya memang rambut aku dah serabai sangat kot bila pagi tadi ada staff pompuan tanya, 'Bos, tak sempat gunting rambut ke?. Pergi lah gunting rambut, baru lah semangat sikit kita orang esok'.

Esok ada opis punya inter-department bowling tournament dengan family day sekali. Laaa, dah tak sempat nak cuba2 baling bola bowling pun. Macam mana nak masuk tournament nih?.

Emmm, belasah aje lah.

UPDATES I : 20 May 2006. 1:02 a.m.

Yeay! Tadi sebelum Maghrib sempat lari sekejap pergi kedai gunting dekat Colliseum. Lega. Dah potong rambut pendek rasa ringan sikit kepala.


UPDATES II : 22 May 2006 10.45 p.m.

The office had a successful Inter-department Bowling Tournament and Family Day on Saturday 20th May 2006. The games were held at Bangsar Shopping Centre before we adjourned to Islamic Arts Museum for lunch, prize giving ceremony and lucky draw. We also got free entrance to see the exhibits at the Museum after the ceremony.

The theme was, Let Leisure Ease the Pressure.....

Picture 1: Road to Glory!

Picture 2:
Kak Long posing with the consolation prize that her Ayah won.

Picture 3:
Kak Ngah with her prize for being runner-up in the colouring contest for 7-8 years old category.

Picture 4:
Kak Ngah was two times lucky. She went on to win the second place in a wooden block puzzle category.

Errata: the caption for Picture 1 should read "Road to the Glorious Slip" and not as stated. We regret any inconvenience caused.

I was given the honour to make the first bowl to officiate the tournament. To my horror, I slipped and fell when I was releasing the ball. Needless to say, the ball went down to the drain (masuk longkang lah tu!!). A replay of the video footage after the game showed that I had overstepped the line. The lane was just being cleaned and polished immediately prior to start of the game.

Lucky it was my own fault. If not, BSC would have been slapped with multi-million rupiah civil suit for causing irreparable damage to my reputation.


UglyButAdorable said…
betul!! biar tension ader keja dr tension takder keja..tak productive langsung.. petua main bowling utk yg tangan kayu, pegang bola dua tangan..squat kat depan lane..campak atas arrow..dgn syarat tgn jgn pengkau..good luck,,:)
U.B.Adorable - Thanks for the tips.
anggerik merah said…
Enjoy the tournament! Hentam ajelah...
AnggerikMerah - Thanks. Memang sah kena hentam. Other teams were much better.
Unknown said…
potong rambut style mawi ke?
Jiwa - sikit lebih kurang lah tu. Lagipun dah tak banyak (rambut) yang tinggal.
KakNi said…
Kiranya sekarang ni tengah hensem le ni....

Kalau dah hensem tak boleh tension dah... heheheh
AHNI - senyum, senyum....control macho.

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