Quick Updates

Quick updates especially to my friends and kind visitors of this blog.

My wife has safely delivered a baby boy at 2.32 yesterday afternoon (19 December 2005). The baby is healthy at 2.6 kg (he was still 2.2 kg during our previous check up last week). Wife is doing fine.

AlhamdulilLah. Thank to Allah and thank to your kind doa.

Now, I'm off for a meeting and InshaAllah will find time to write more later.


Kak Teh said…
OSH - Alhamdulillah!! Seronoknya kak teh dengar!!!Kak Teh doakan anak dan ibu dalam keadaan ehat and this yime we want to see the picture of this baby!
MA said…

Read about your brush with death. You will look at life in a different angle now.

I know I did.

Congratulations on your newborn son and God Bless.
Anonymous said…
congratulations on the new baby

dont forget to have the full check up for yr self
anggerik merah said…
OSH, congratulation on the arrival of the new family member. Another precoius gift from HIM.
AuntyN said…
Alhamdulillah and Congratulations!!!. InsyaAllah everything will be fine.
JiwaRasa, Kak Teh, Mak Andeh, ATN, Anggerik Merah, Elle and AuntyN, thank you, thank you and a lots of thank yous.

Wife is doing fine but Baby is required to stay at the hospital for another day because of jaundice. Hopefully tomorrow (23 Dec) both the mother and baby will be allowed to go back home.

Kak Teh, I am having problem to transfer the pictures from my hp to my laptop, so pictures will have to wait.

Thanks again for your kind wishes.
Ni said…
Alhamdulillah. Dan tahniah juga.

Nanti jgn lupa upload gambar ya
Sya said…
Tahniah.. semoga ibu dan anak sihat walafiat

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