Quick one

Quick workout towards preparation for the 12km run event this Sunday.

Distance: 7.45km
Time: 0: 30: 49
Activity: cycling all the way up to the new Bukit Antarabangsa mosque at Taman Bukit Utama
Climb: 165m (highest point 199m)
Average speed: 14:51 km/h
Highest speed downhill: 44.1 km/h.

I think i should do this again for the next few days in the morning before going to office. It's a good endurance workout.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Justiffa said…
Hey OS good luck with ur 12k.. and dun worry too much la about the timing, usually the adrenaline rush will carry you thru :D

But take care of that knee k!!!
Sya said…
Salam Maal Hijrah...OSH
Kak Sya: Thanks, salam maal hijrah to you too.

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