Post Hari Raya II

The balik kampung trips from KL to Melaka, then to Pasir Mas Darul Naim and thereafter back to KL were all according to what have been planned.


But that did not mean that it was uneventful. Any planning, even how meticulously it being planned, there must be some elements of surprise abound.

So that Saturday (21st October) we drove back to Melaka after sending our maid to her uncle's place in Keramat. There was an overturned lorry in the middle of the road somewhere before Pedas exit. Lots of watermelon all over the roadside causing a crawl. I thought to myself, "mmm... free watermelon for Raya Open house would be nice". But unfortunately, the accident was on the other side of the highway (leading to KL). Heh he....

Reached Ayer Keroh by 11.00 a.m. (alah dokek jo!). The kids were all happy to see their cousins. I took a nap after unloading the luggages. A loong nap. Woke up just in time for my Zuhur prayer.

Later went to Brothers Melaka (somewher in Malim) to check out on the car security and alarm system. I have been planning to install new alarm and security system eversince I bought the car early of the year. It was a second-hand seven seater family car and I received only one ignition key from the car dealer. So since I planned to leave behind my car at KLIA from the second day of Raya till the 5th day of Raya, I thought I couldnot delay the installation anymore and might as well change the ignition key. But the place did not have the ignition key replacement compatible with my Honda RA6, so spent alltogether RM700 for the alarm and security system together with immobiliser.

The installation was only ready by 8.30 p.m. So 'ter'missed tarawikh that night.

Late the same night my wife and I were busy helping MIL to change new langsir (yeay, tak sah raya kalau tak de langsir baru!), when suddenly I popped up the question to my Wife.

"Yang, ticket flight ada bawak balik?"

"Aaaa, bukan dengan Abang ke?"
"Hish, mana pulak. I gave it to you suruh simpan awal Ramadhan lagi".
"Alaaaa, terlupa la tu.!"

"Jap, nak check dulu..."

Wife sounded less than 50% confident. She rushed to our room.

And came out smiling...........

"Alamaak, sori lah Bang, tertinggal kat dalam almari kat umah." be continued.


pB said…
adoi laaaaa.....

next time b4 keluar umah, kena buat check list.

tapi tulah kan, kita ni manusia biasa jer...sering kali lupa..

melayu mudah lupa...

pisstt..pandai je komen, PB , hari ni dah tertinggal hp kat umah, rasa macam patah sebelah kaki jer...
shafarina said…
Excited balik kampung la tu. Hehehehe
KakNi said…
La... bila kata senyum tu ingatkan good news...

BTW, hv to wait for the sambungan.
Cepat sikit sambung OS! Tak sabo nih.
PB: kadang2 terlupa, orang yang diharap pun manusia juga. Jame lo ni, kalu 'tingga hp, to seney duduk wei.

Wan: may be too excited nak raya.

AHNI: :). Senyum kadang2 banyak makna.
AuntyN said…
Tak habis lagi part II? Bila nak part III ni? hehehe, Jangan marah no, AN tak sabaq nak baca sajalah ni.
BTB: gua beli tiket MAS, bukannya MASKargo.:)

AnuntyN: jap lagi sambung, OK? Banyak pulak kerja sehari dua ni.
UglyButAdorable said…
adusss..i'll definately wait for the next entry..:)

selamat hari raya bro...
Bunga Rampai said…
Tunggu sambungan ni :)
Cik Adorable : Salam hari raya to you too

Cik Rampai : tungguuuu.
Sya said…
Bila nak sambung nih?
Kak Sya: alamak,pressure...pressure...

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