Sup Ayam for the Soul

A father was busy at office preparing for his outstation trip one day before the Valentine Day. He received a call from his wife informing him that their daughter's application to her favorite college has been accepted.

Oh great. That's a cause to celebrate. He thought. On his way to the airport, the father called a florist and asked for a bouquet of fresh roses to be sent to his daughter on the Valentine's Day.

The next day, he received a call from his daughter.

"When I saw the delivery man at the door, I thought the flowers were for Mum because it's the Valentine's Day. But then I saw name on it. Oh Goodness, I thought they were from my boyfriend. When I found out that it was from you, I just couldn't believe it!."

"I love you Dad, this is the best Valentine's gift I ever had."

DISCLAIMER: This is also not a Valentine post, err like this one.


Sya said…
Tak tau nak komen apa .. tapi sebab jadi no 1 nak gak tulis..he he he
Sya, thanks. Anyway sorry tak de hadiah.:)
Anonymous said…
bukan post psl valentine tapi perkataan valentine tu tertulis 4 kali

BTW, cerita psl sapa ni? Yourself? Ya, memang sup ayam...
AuntyN said…
It was a nice gesture from the ayah. Congratulations to the daughter.

Baby Akid tu mengancam lah, :-) Jangan bubuh gambar dia banyak2 lah. Tak tahan!!! Geram sanagt ni hehe

Have Kak Teh seen the photos? Keep her away from him, if not pipi sure lebam...(Ampun Kak Teh gurau je OK?):-)
Kak Teh said…
hahaha - very the funny one!! Sup ayam, konon! aaah, whatever it is - a lovely gesture tu, kan?
goncarian, PB - no not about me or family, lagipun my eldest daughter baru 8 years old. Lambat lagi nak terima menantu..:)

AuntyN, I should take your advice. See what Kak Teh wrote in my comment box in the previous post.

Kak Teh, tak marah kan, kan kan?
Anonymous said…
sekarang ni takut tau nak makan ayam, lebih2 lagi sup ayam

tunggu update tak sampai-sampai le...
Ya, sekarang ni memang tak digalakkan makan sup ayam especially kawasan Gombak.:)

Update belum sempat, keje banyak sgt dan sibuk jengah blog orang lain. Maklumlah ide belum datang mencurah2 lagi.

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