Look What We Have

Look what we have here....


My "pokok periuk kera" - nothing significant.

But take a good look again, it seems that someone has made the plant as her abode.



There are two little birds resting in the nest right in the middle of my potted plant.

The kids are very excited to adopt them!

***UPDATED (12th June 2009) : The two chicks died in an apparent suicide attempt....err I mean, in an attempt to learn to fly a bit too soon. The kids told me that they found the two little birds lying motionless and swarmed by red ants underneath their nest two days ago. The kids dug a hole and held a simple burial near their Ibu's plant.***End of Update


shafarina said…
salam oshero.

saya tak tahu pun periuk kera tu boleh ditanam sendiri ie tak tumbuh meliar kat hutan. :)
CikWan: sekarang pokok tu dah banyak dijual di nursery dan pasar tani. :)
pB said…
Salam ...

tok panjae umor burung tu

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