Abg Akmal : "Ibu, Ibu kena beli ni" sambil menuding ke arah iklan U-zap dalam TV. Ibu : "Kenapa? Ibu dah gemuk ke" Abg Akmal : "Ye lah, Abang rasa Ibu dah gemuk!!". Ibu : "Eishhh, kurang asam punya budak". **************** Anak (jantan) Ku, May be when you are old enough, I will have to pull you aside and give you my fatherly advice - that remark that you just said to your Ibu, don't ever say it again in front of any woman. It could start a world war! ***************** End of filler post. More serious note will come later when I have more time to breathe.
Updated 23rd May 2007 SELAMAT HARI IBU.....LAGI Since people say that Mother's Day should not be confined to 13th May only but Mothers must be appreciated every day, 365 day a year instead. So I decided to let the post below shall remain, for the time being. :) *********** The truth is, as you may have already known, I am very very very busy.......and penat, letih, terduduk, terbaring kesibukan. Original Post SELAMAT HARI IBU My 'Selamat Hari IBU' wish goes to.... The beautiful Ibu of my five lovely kids The Ibu of the beautiful Ibu to my five lovely kids The blogging Ibu(s) whose blogs I frequent every day (Kak Teh, Mak Andeh, AuntyN, K'Sya, AHNI, PB, Wan, AnggerikMerah, Ailin, Ibu, Helena.....ada lagi? nanti I tambah) May Allah showers all His blessings unto all of you. The pictures of the artworks done by my big boy, Akmal and his sister, Angah dedicated to their mother. Akmal's blue and red works was done at his kiddie last Friday. He kept it in his room and o...
My Dearest Abang Akmal, Happy Birthday. Selamat Hari Ulangtahun kelahiran yang ke 5. Eventhough you are my third child, you must always remember that you are my FIRST BOY and ELDEST SON. I hope you will grow up to become the pillar of strength to the family and will take care of your Ibu, Kak Long, Kak Ngah, your baby sister Kak Chik and baby Akid . I never have a slightest dull moment with you. You are unpredictably funny and cute with your words and deeds (and misdeeds, of course). Harapan Ayah semoga Abang Akmal akan menjadi anak yang soleh, yang sentiasa memberi sumbangan dan manfaat kepada keluarga dan masyarakat. InsyaAllah. UPDATED 22 Sept 2006 Abang was so excited on the morning of his birthday. Ibu had prepared some party packs to be distributed to his classmate at the kindie. Seronok sangat sampai lupa pakai kasut nak ke sekolah. Main rembat pakai selipar buruk je. Nasib baik Ibu perasan. Sempat pusing balik rumah tukar pakai kasut. Nasib baik jugak sekolah tak jauh dari ru...
Dammit, i know i should watch those 2 bald kids more often.
Tranquility: U&I created someting that other local cartoon series failed to do. They are 'real' and capture the spirit of the kids
Bro. McB: In my case, the kids got all the t-shirts already!