
I have to update.

I have to update.

I have to update this blog.


Anak2 ku,

Sudah agak lama Ayah tak kemaskinikan blog ini.

When I first started this blog, I was thinking of having a blog dedicated to all of you and Ibu. (Not the caca-marba type of Ayah's previous blog). Ayah hope this blog will become the source of recollection of our lives, all the little things that we did together, the good and not so good times that we shared and had gone through.

Hopefully when you are old enough to read and find this blog, you will know Ayah and Ibu better and understand why we did what we did during your growing up years.


Anak2 ku,

There were so many things to write about.

There were so many things that were flowing at the back of Ayah's mind that Ayah felt the need to write and document them in this blog. Alas, I have always been bogged down with works that after some time what I wanted to write would have been an after-event and lost the excitement.

Anak2 ku,

If someone told you that being your own boss is easy, he must be lying through his teeth. He must have been misguided by the notion that being a boss is doing nothing but just bossing around your staff.

Of course being your own boss do give some advantages and flexibility. Sometimes for good reasons, Ayah might leave for office a little later than usual when Abang Akmal insisted for Ayah to send him to his Kindergarten or Ayah would rushed home during lunch break when Kak Ngah wanted Ayah to send her to her Cosmotots class or Ayah might reached home earlier than usual when Ayah received SOS message from Ibu that Kak Long refused to do her homeworks. But it does not mean that you can come to office late every day or take leave every other day at your own whim and fancy.

Ayah always believe that if you want your staff to be disciplined, then you being the boss must be disciplined. If you want the staff to work hard, the boss must work harder. Come to my office at any time after 7.00 p.m. you would very likely to find almost all the partners (bosses) were still in the office, two or three lawyers around trying to finish up their assignments and may be another one or two staffs reading newspapers while waiting for their husbands to fetch them.

Anak2 ku,

Sometimes when asked, Ayah would make an analogy that being a partner of a medium size law firm (of 10 partners, 32 lawyers and 100 over staffs) is like a running a restaurant. It's about providing the best food and the best services all round. You must be an excellent cook in the first place and you only hire the best assistants. While your assistants may help to prepare some of the spread, the main dishes must remain your specialty. So if the chief cook is always not around, you would never know what have been served to your customers. Similarly, if you rely too much on your assistants, you may be left high and dry if your assistants decided to quit on short notice. Or worst still, if your assistant would set up their own restaurant and take away all your customers.

Anak2 ku,

That's the reason why Ayah work hard day in day out. This firm that Ayah works with grew on the hardwork of all the partners and nothing else. No political patronage, no kick back or no side deals. Period.

Hopefully, as Ayah grow older, I don't need to work as hard. Of course I am struggling to balance between my work and my responsibilities to be a good father to 5 young kids, but at least you have your Ibu at your disposal full time 24 hours a day at home. It's not easy, but Ayah hopes that whatever little time that Ayah spend with all of you will be the best of times in my life (and yours too).


Anak2 ku,

Like Ayah had said earlier, there were so many things that Ayah planned to write about.

Ayah wanted to have an entry dedicated to Kak Long on her birthday which was on 25th February.

Then came Kak Ngah's birthday on 3rd of March which Ayah thought Ayah wanted to have an entry dedicated to her too.

And then came Ibu's birthday last Saturday the 18th. Surely she deserved a dedicated entry!

Ayah also wanted to write on how Ayah's birthday on the last day of January was hijacked by Abang Akmal.

Emmmm, I'm really behind schedule. Am I?


Anonymous said…
Happy Belated to all!

Takpelah kot kalau behind schedule pun, yang pentingnya OSH ingat kan family walaupun busy ya amat.

Yg penting nya quality time, sebab kalau selalu dapat bersama family pun tapi kalau tak ada kemesraan, tak ada keprihatinan, tak memberi perhatian pun rasanya tak ada makna- ada tapi macam tak ada
Anonymous said…
shafarina said…
Behind schedule blogging takper,
late for hearing, judge tunggu, tak ke naya kena buang kes.
NI, thanks.

Wan, Not anymore as I rarely go to courts nowadays. Yes, being late when your case being called up in open court is a big NO.
Sya said…
Happy Belated Birthday untuk semua ... tak perlah tak catit asalkan ia tetap dalam ingatan kan?
Sya, thanks. Ingat sudah tentu.
Ku Keng said…
Can I find a job at your place?
Kak Teh said…
selamat hari jadi kepada semua - lambat pun tak apa! kesian, ayah teruknya kerja. Kak teh persilakan OSH ke blog kak teh untuk cuba try test radio kak teh.

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