
Dapat SMS from Wife:
Happy an'vesary. I luv u. [From: Wife 5.36 p.m. 2-MAR-06]
Tengah drive dari Bangi nak balik ke office masa tuh. Kena tunggu sampai opis baru cepat2 balas,
Luv u too. Sori will b late. Kiss 3x. [From: OSH 6.12 p.m. 2-MAR-06]
Laa, wedding anniversary ke hari ni? Check kad akuan nikah/kahwin.

Pernikahan ini diakui di bawah
Seksyen 21 Enakmen Keluarga Islam Negeri Melaka
(No. 8 Tahun 1983)

Bil. Daftar: M.T-125/97. Tarikh Nikah: 2.3.97

Now, before you people jump the gun and call me hopeless husband and blame the entire male population for this oversight and for not being a lovey dovey sensitive guy, let me first put up may case.

I confess, as far as I could recall, I never remember this date last year, or year before that or many many years before that.

BUT - I never forget my Mem's birthday or the birthdays of all my kids. I have enough flags to alert me for these dates. I have my PDA and my secretary to faithfully remind me. So to miss one out of six/seven dates, is not too bad afterall.

In fact, its an achivement. ***grin and pat on my own back***


Jam kat opis dah dekat pukul 10.20 p.m. Masih terkial2 nak siapkan presentation material untuk training for bank officers untuk esok. Tadi presentation material tak cukup untuk cover for the whole day. Bila masuk last session of the day, terpaksa lah cari bahan on the spot untuk discussion. Nasib baik banyak benda ada dalam my laptop.

Presentation materials for the first two sessions tomorow have been distributed to the participants. I still need to prepare for enough materials for about 3 hours of lecture. Perit tuuh. Tak tidur lagi lah malam ni.

This is the first time I was invited to give talk/training by this Bank. And this is the first time I have been asked to cover for two solid days. The most that I had previously done was for half day seminar/training only.

Walaupun penat (and I hate the amount of preparation works that I have to put in), but this is the best opportunity to impress, do marketing and gain mileage with the client.

Its good for the Firm and InsyaAllah good for me too.


demonsinme said…
Nevertheless, you still managed not to continue not remembering it.

Happy anniversary fren.
anggerik merah said…
Happy anniversary to both of you!
Sya said…
Selamat Menyambut Ulangtahun Perkahwinan, Semoga Allah kurniakan Rahmah ..
Demonsinme - yes I am trying to be consistent here. In law, we call it following the precedent. thanks bro. :)

AnggerikMerah - Thanks.

Sya - timakacih....
Kak Teh said…
happy anniversary to both of you!!!
shafarina said…
Happy 9th Anniversary!!
Kak Teh, thank you 3x.

Wan, thanks. Tak sedar pun dah masuk 9th year.

PB, thanks for the kind doa. No longer blogging?

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