Jalan-jalan (Pegang Tangan) Kat SOGO

Kids were all at their cousins' place.

On our way back, Wife mentioned that she wanted to 'drop by' at SOGO.

So you know what's coming.....

PINQUE Shirt RM89.91
Elle Tee RM29.00
BUM Equipment Jeans RM87.20
EsteeL Perfume 50 ml RM210.00

Ayah jadi tukang bayar dan tukang dukung AKID masa Ibu keluar masuk fitting room. Itu tak termasuk specs Gucci yang beli kat Ampang Point minggu lepas. Tak pa lah. Mungkin Ibu dah lama 'berdendam' nak shopping.

Nota kaki: tajuk di atas macam nak kenen cite AuntyN pulak. :)


anggerik merah said…
Sekali sekala tak pe...:-)
Kak Teh said…
wah - belanja sakan untuk anniversary ni! Ni mother's day pulak tak lama lagi!
AuntyN said…
Buat lah selalu-selalu OK (Jalan2 pegang2 tangan tu, bukan cilok idea entry tu OK? hehehe)

Happy Annivessary to you and your wife. Hope there will be many more to come.
Sya said…
hadiah Anniversary dan hadiah sebab melahirkan Akid.. ape salahnya
lieawulf said…
ok wat...tu belanja skala kecil tu.

my kazen asked her hubby for a brand new VIOS for her birthday...hehehe, wish I'm as luck as she is ;)
demonsinme said…
Kind Sir,

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It is a great honor if you do.

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