Tanah Runtuh @ Bkt Antarabangsa

I have been receiving lots of calls and smses from families and concerned friends.

AlhamdulilLah, my family and I are safe. Our house is not affected. Still quite far from the site where the landslide took place.

I came to know about the landslide from a neighbour after subuh prayer. We didn't know the extent of the damage because its still dark. Only after the news started to come out in the tv then we knew it was quite serious.

I am now following the news from my in laws house in Melaka. We reached Melaka at about 11.00 am just now.

Even my friend who is currently working in Mumbai sent sms after learning about the incident from the internet.


maszuzu said…
alhamdullilah that your family and you are ok... selamat hari raya aidiladha bro...:)
shafarina said…
nasib baik..

al fatihah pada yang terkorban dalam kejadian tersebut.
CikUBA: AlhamdulilLah. TQ

K'Sya: Tq

CikWan: tq and condolences to those who were affected by the tragedy.
Ku Keng said…
In Mumbai? Not at the Taj Mahal I hope.
KakNi said…
Dear OS,
Masa kejadian tu OS kat mana? Kat Bkt Antarabangsa ke kat Ayer Keroh?
Sabarlah ya.

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