Piagam Pelanggan


Boring. Jalan jem. Dalam teksi balik dari meeting.

Terpandang piagam pelanggan tertampal kat cermin teksi.

(1) Mengutamakan Pelanggan

(2) Mesra dan Sopan

(3) Memakai Pakaian Kemas

(4) Sentiasa Jujur dan Amanah

(5) Memandu dengan Cermat

I think these people got it all wrong.

How could decently dressed be more important than driving with care????

How could being courteous is more important than being honest and trustworthy???

No doubt all are important. But to draw up a charter means you have prioritise and put things in the right perspective. Which one is more important vis-a-vis your services to your clients.

Arrgh, lantak lah.



Esok ada trip gi PD. Department punya outing. Ye lah, ofis punya family day last sekali buat kat A Famosa Resort was more than 2 years ago. Jadi kitaorang pun organise sendiri lah.

The kids (as usual) are very eager and enthusiastic about the trip. Problem is, only yesterday Kak Long and Kak Ngah came back and showed a notice from their school that there will be a school session tomorrow.

Wife called the school. Was told, "Maaf, kami diarahkan oleh Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah untuk buat ganti cuti hari raya".

Don't these people know how to plan ahead?. Pejabat diorang ni tak de Kalendar ke? Don't they know that the purpose of a calendar is to enable you to plan ahead? Bukannya untuk tengok bila ada lumba kuda.

The staffs of my Department planned for the trip since more than 3 months ago. Diaorang sanggup kumpul dan collect duit sikit2 setiap bulan untuk kongsi kos apartment, makan2 dan some souvenirs.

So, as a responsible father what should I do?

Send the kids to school? cancel the trip? or only drive to PD after 6.30 pm tomorrow after Kak Long's afternoon session.

Or lantak lah. Ajar anak2 cakap (bohong) kat cikgu kata diorang kena balik kampung ada important family matters.

And the school has also changed the date of their final term exams. Instead of the exams should end prior to Hari Raya, the exams will only start in the week immediately after Hari Raya (week beginning 30th of October). Meaning, there is no way for me to extend my leave as the kids will have to be back in KL for their exams latest by Sunday the 29th of October.

Lucky I asked Wife to check with the school before I book our flight tickets two days ago. When asked why they change from what earlier stated in their Takwim Tahunan Sekolah? Again, the same answers. Blame it on someone else - it's the directive from the district education office.

And I am pretty sure if we pay a visit to their office, akan terpampang lah Piagam Pelanggan yang berbunyi,

(1) Mengutamakan Pelanggan

(2) Memberi Khidmat yang Mesra dan Sopan

(3) Memakai Pakaian Kemas

.......... and all other bulls.

Oh God. Help me. Mari lah sama2 kita menyanyi, bersempena dengan bulan kemerdekaan ini,

Malaysia oh Tanahairku
Tanah Tempat Tumpahnya Darahku
Negeri Elok Amat Ku Cinta
Yang Ku Puja Sepanjang Masa....


KakNi said…
At least beritahu lah last week kan....

Nasib baik memang tak ada aktiviti minggu ni sebab hubby pergi JB.

So, good luck & enjoy your trip to PD.

Nak ikut
AHNI - Hubby selalu gi outstation eh? Carilah reason ikut dia sekali.
anggerik merah said…
Eh...tu lah kan..susah orang aje macam tu. Conflict to all plan. It is always last minute thingy. Macamana nak improve Malaysia of Tanah air ku!
AM - betul tu, menyussah kan orang aje.
KakNi said…
Rasa-rasanya the last 2-3 para tak ada masa saya baca entry ini hari u *wink*

Psl sekolah ganti tu saya rasa itu memang PPD punya kerja, anak saya cakap ramai kawan dia pun tak pergi sekolah sebab pergi kelas tuition, balik kampung etc.

Hubby pergi JB sebab ada aktiviti kelab kereta, memang nak ikut tp dia tak kasi :-(
Tight schedule dan cost, alasan dia
Kak Teh said…
arent we a nation of slogans??? mana-mana terpampang slogans..bersih cekap amanah, kepimpinan melalui teladan,...ada orang ikut ke? Yang kaya, orangyangdapat contractbuat slogan tu lah.

I have never like the word - but there's always a first time..lantaklah!
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UglyButAdorable said…
gomen std la bro...sesuker hati jer..if i were u also ..i bawak jer pegie...piirahh...if they dun bother..wjy whus we then..
UglyButAdorable said…
gomen std la bro...sesuker hati jer..if i were u also ..i bawak jer pegie...piirahh...if they dun bother..wjy whus we then..
Bunga Rampai said…
Slogan :) Cuma gah dilaung di atas kertas ;)

AHNI - your comment came in while I was updating the entry that day!

KakTeh - I hate it too. The countless slogans and the apathy.

UBA - yeah, I didn't give a damn. Just came back from PD trip. The kids enjoyed themselves

Bunga Rampai - salam. apa gunanya slogan2 itu?
MA said…
OSH : serupa ler dgn skolah anak I.

Every new calendar year, diorg bagi the taqwim sekolah. I note down all the exams/test period. Then I plan my own travels outside those periods so that in any event boleh bawak diorang sekali.

But masa trial UPSR, nasib baik I call the school sbb my daughter bagitahu I the dates yang tak sama dgn taqwim.

Same excuse - the Jabatan Pelajaran bagi tarikh macam tu. Yang paling best tu bila I insist to get the actual tarikh - boleh diorg kata Jabatan selalu bagitahu 3-4 hari sebelum peperiksaan.
Sya said…

My son ada kelas last week but mom and son both did not know about it. My son claimed that he did not aware about the Saturday school. The mom only knew about it bila tengahari tenguk bebudak balik sekolah...

So nak tipu apa ek ngan sekolah?
MA - entah lah sekarang ni kurikulum dan suasana persekolahan berlainan sgt dengan masa I sekolah dulu.

K SYA - boleh tak agaknya kalau kita blame diorang balik?

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