Currently listening to...
At the moment, I am listening to the songs from the album someone by the name of Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus. Who? Aunur? Rofiq? Who? Thanks to the great review by Bro. Jiwa , I was pleasantly surprised when I accidentally found the CD by OPICK - titled 'Istighfar'. I was browsing through the CD titles at SOGO one day and saw the latest collection by M Nasir. I was about to proceed to purchase M. Nasir's CD when I saw OPICK's album. Took quite a while to decide which one to buy. Decided M. Nasir could wait. I think I made the right choice. The CD has been my companion while I am driving for the last 4 weeks. The songs are very soothing and at the same time, inspiring. The final track of the album, titled ' Tombo Ati ' is my favourite. I even thought it was a Spanish song the first time I heard the song. Another great song is the one that repeats the following verses, Ya Rabbana Rabbana Rabbana Ya Rabbana Dzolamna Anfusana Wa Illam taghfirlana wa tarhamna La naku ...