Expecting an Update?


Not yet. Sorry.

Me, walaupun 'Superhero', tapi still, 'Ordinary' one.

Masih dibelenggu rasa kemalas-malasan yang berpanjangan. Looking forward for the looong break by end of this week.

Tapi sebelum tu kena siapkan, (1) vetting documents for one client (fuyo, banyaknyaaa), (2) presentation slide for a talk to be presented at one Islamic bank this Saturday, and (3) reports of the Investigation Panel for Bar Council - lepas tu baru lah boleh cuti rehat dengan tenang.

Ciluk idea updating blog gaya AuntyN pun okay gak kot?.


KakNi said…
nampaknya ramai bloggers yang update 'tak aci' nih...
Sya said…
wah... memang tak aci punya update, he he he but i guess we know that u are "well" and "alive"

Me masih lagi dalam extended 'safe mode' from Raya Haji to Raya Cina.


Yes - me still alive and kicking. Thanks.
AuntyN said…
Ohh, pandai cilok style aunty ekkk? :-)

Nak hidup, pandai2 lerr. hehehe
Anonymous said…
update penting!!! dan kalau nak tgk yg update, news yang bagus, aku rasa ada kat....


tapi pagi, bila celek mata jerrrr, aku jumpa benda allah nieee

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